Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)
Av. D. Carlos I 126
1249-074 Lisboa
1249-074 Lisboa
Research Grants
Current projects
Aquatic FUNgal biodiversity: developing knowledge and strAtegies to inform ConservaTION priorities and measures
Grossart, Hans-Peter
Biodiversity on the run: evolutionary and socio-economic consequences of shifting distribution ranges in commercially exploited marine fishes
Riekhof, Marie-Catherine
BioMonI: Biodiversity monitoring of island ecosystems
Kreft, Holger
COAST: COnservation of mArine ecosystems around Santo AnTão, Cabo Verde: implications for policy and society
Hoving, Henk-Jan
DNAquaIMG: Innovating transnational aquatic biodiversity monitoring using high-throughput DNA tools and automated image recognition
Beszteri, Bánk
Leese, Florian
Eastern Tropical Pacific reef fish on the move: biodiversity reorganisation and societal consequences (EASMO)
Bejarano, Sonia
Harmonizing plant metabarcoding pipelines in Europe to support monitoring activities in the field of plants and their functional organismic networks
Gemeinholzer, Birgit
Marine Forests of animals, plants and algae: nature-based tools to protect and restore biodiversity
Freiwald, André
Monitoring the contribution of European grasslands to the conservation of soil biodiversity and ecosystem function under multiple global change stressors
Eisenhauer, Nico
Prioritising riparian ecotones to sustain and connect multiple biodiversity and functional components in river networks
Schulz, Ralf
Promoting action on broad ocean challenges by delving into the past, present and future of European syngnathids
Roth, Olivia
The vertical dimension of conservation: A cost-effective plan to incorporate subterranean ecosystems in post-2020 biodiversity and climate change agendas
Faille, Ph.D., Arnaud
Completed projects
Functional Variability and Dynamics of Responses of Marine Forests to Global Change
Eichinger, Ludwig
Valentin, Klaus
Generic bio-inventory of functional soil microbial diversity in permanent grassland ecosystems across management and climate gradients
Rasche, Frank
Unraveling the potential of SPONtaneous FORest ESTablishment for improving ecosystem functions and services in dynamic landscapes
Schurr, Frank