Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft, Philosophie und Theologie
Arbeitsbereich Historische Bildwissenschaft/Kunstgeschichte
Post Office Box 100131
33501 Bielefeld
This institution in GERiT
33501 Bielefeld
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Die Moden der Klassik. Weimarer Klassik und Pariser Mode
Gibhardt, Boris Roman
Research Units
Completed projects
Embedding, Unfolding, Attaching. Mimesis of the Hybrid Object.
Lutz, Helga
Siegert, Bernhard
FOR 1867: History and Theory of Mimetic Practices
Siegert, Bernhard
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Historicizing Comparisons
(Project Heads
Deile, Lars
Grave, Johannes
Herrmann, Berenike
Hochkirchen, Britta
Konczal, Kornelia
Ronzheimer, Elisa
Schwandt, Silke
Completed projects
Making of: Communities of Practice: Humanities and Society in Relation
(Project Heads
Büschenfeld, Jürgen
Deile, Lars
Grave, Johannes
Hochkirchen, Britta
Media Dispositives of Comparing: The Operational Image After Harun Farocki
(Project Head
Lutz, Helga