Universität Duisburg-Essen
Fakultät Geisteswissenschaften
Institut für Germanistik
Universitätsstraße 2
45141 Essen
This institution in GERiT
45141 Essen
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Annäherungen - Wahrnehmungen des Nachbarlandes in der deutschen und niederländischen Literatur des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts
Grimm, Gunter E.
Das Selbstverständnis von Germanistikstudium und Deutschunterricht im frankophonen Afrika. Vom kolonialen Unterrichtsfach zu eigenständigen Deutschlandstudien und zum praxisbezogenen Lernen, von Dr. Diop El Hadj Ibrahima
Baur, Rupprecht S.
Sociolinguistica. Internationales Jahrbuch für Europäische Soziolinguistik, Band 15 (2001)
Ammon, Ulrich
Research Grants
Current projects
Dutch as an intermediary language for translations into German in the 17th and 18th century
Boonen, Ute Karoline
Edition of Songs in Regenbogen's 'Brief- und Grundweise' and 'Grauer Ton'
Haustein, Jens-Dieter
Schubert, Martin
Free and bounded variation in grammar. Diachrony and diatopic of auxiliary variation in German.
Gillmann, Melitta
Werth, Alexander
Linguistic practices of coal mining communities in the post-industrial era: variation, documentation, representation, regeneration
Pecht, Nantke
Ziegler, Evelyn
Completed projects
Anthology on the 'Discernment of Spirits'. 'Probate spiritus'-Compilation and Treatises - Edition and Commentary
Schubert, Martin
Der Boykott gegen die deutsche Sprache in der internationalen Wissenschaftskommunikation nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg
Ammon, Ulrich
Die internationale Stellung der deutschen Sprache: faktische Stellung, Entwicklungstendenzen, Ursachen, Fördermöglichkeiten
Ammon, Ulrich
Ebiss - Eyetracking based interaction management of synchronous written communication
Kienle, Andrea
Edition of all Meisterlieder in Regenbogens Langer Ton
Schubert, Martin
Edition of the German Mirror of Salvation (Anonymous Verse Translation of the Speculum humanae salvationis)
Schubert, Martin
Extension of the reference text of "The Twenty-Four Elders" of Otto von Passau on the basis of the manuscript Karlsruhe, Landesbibliothek, Cod. St. Georgen 64 to a hybrid edition with research on sources and vocabulary.
Haustein, Jens-Dieter
Gottlob Freges Grundgesetze der Arithmetik: Transkription und Beweiskontrolle
Stuhlmann-Laeisz, Rainer
Interactional Grammar: Appositions and apposition-like constructions in spoken German as instances situated between interactional practices and syntactic patterns
Ziegler, Evelyn
Literary prizes in German-speaking countries since 1990: functions and effects
Pontzen, Alexandra
Neuedition der St. Georgener Predigten
Seidel, Kurt Otto
Regelbasierte Suche in Textdatenbanken in nichtstandardisierter Rechtschreibung
Fuhr, Norbert
Luther, Wolfram
Regelbasierte Suche in Textdatenbanken in nichtstandardisierter Rechtschreibung
Luther, Wolfram
Standardization in Diversity: The case of German in Luxembourg (1795-1920)
Ziegler, Evelyn
The formation of the German-Dutch linguistic boundary in the Rhine-Maas area. Studies in the overlayering of the Rhine-Maaslandic varieties in the 16th and 17th century
Mihm, Arend
The Literary History of the Ruhr Region since 1960
Jung, Werner
Parr, Rolf
Variantenwörterbuch des Deutschen - Überarbeitung, Erweiterung und Aktualisierung
Ammon, Ulrich
Wörterbuch `nationale Varianten des Deutschen`
Ammon, Ulrich
Scientific Networks
Current projects
Family language policies - Language repertoires, practices and ideologies (FLPde)
Purkarthofer, Judith
Completed projects
Diskurse - digital: Theorien, Methoden, Fallstudien
Gredel, Eva
Wissenschaftliches Netzwerk" Empirische Erforschung internetbasierter Kommunikation"
Beißwenger, Michael
Research Units
Current projects
Family language dynamics – empowering speakers of majority and heritage languages
Purkarthofer, Judith
Tracy, Rosemarie
FOR 2537: Emerging grammars in language contact situations: A comparative approach
Wiese, Heike
FOR 5182: Controversial discourses: Language history as contemporary history since 1990
Wengeler, Martin
FOR 5317: Practices for referring to persons: usage-based approaches to personal, indefinite and demonstrative pronouns
Imo, Wolfgang
Completed projects
Effekte von Kontexten in large-scale-Aufgaben zur Erfassung von Physikkompetenz
Fischer, Hans Ernst
Acquisition and Provision
Completed projects
Continuation of the constitution of the "Virtual Library for General Linguistics and Comparative Language Studies" in the context of the Special Subject Collection Linguistics 7.11 funded by the German Research Society
Chiarcos, Christian
Eichinger, Ludwig
Schmitz, Ulrich
Schnelling, Heiner
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Completed projects
Open-Access for German Didactics. A model for publishing in didactics.
Beißwenger, Michael
Gailberger, Steffen
Morek, Miriam
Rothstein, Björn