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Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
Zentrum für Experimentelle Medizin
Institut für Systemische Neurowissenschaften
Martinistraße 52
20251 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
20251 Hamburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Characterization of long-term memory formation for experimental, real-life-like stressful events on the behavioral and neural level - from encoding, over early to ling-term consolidation
Sommer-Blöchl, Tobias
Investigating the oscillation of sensory thresholds through the migraine cycle
May, Arne
Metabolic-cognitive control of food choices and long-term dietary success in aging
Brassen, Stefanie
Neural representation of belief states during decision-making under uncertainty
Haynes, John-Dylan
Schuck, Nicolas
Zika, Ph.D., Ondrej
Neurophysiology of altered multisensory processing in migraine
Mehnert, Jan
Relevance of neuronal pre-stimulus oscillatory activity for the formation of crossmodal episodic memory
Rose, Michael
The role of mesocorticolimbic networks for emotional adaptation and well-being in the second half of life
Brassen, Stefanie
Completed projects
A computational psychiatric approach to understanding category representation in autism spectrum disorder
Bayer, Janine
Characterising the effects of chronic opioid use on regulatory control and the development of compulsivity in heroin addiction.
Ersche, Karen
Charakterisierung tDCS-vermittelter neuromodulatorischer Effekte auf das schmerzverarbeitende System
May, Arne
Die funktionale Rolle der Amygdala in gesunden und beeinträchtigten sozialen Beurteilungsprozessen
Gamer, Matthias
Die Funktion dopaminerger Mechanismen und des ventralen Striatums beim Wiedererkennen
Sommer-Blöchl, Tobias
Die mikroskopische Anisotropie der Wasser-Diffusion im menschlichen Gehirn zur Charakterisierung des Gewebes auf zellulärer Ebene
Finsterbusch, Jürgen
Die neurobiologische Grundlage von Defiziten in der visuellen Bewegungswahrnehmung und Bewegungsdiskrimination bei Patienten mit schizophrenen Psychosen: Eine fMRI-Studie
Braus, Dieter F.
Emotionale Modulation von Gedächtnisenkodierung und -abruf im Kontext des Tatwissentests
Gamer, Matthias
Entscheidungsverhalten im gesunden Alter in Abhängigkeit von zeitlicher Distanz und sozioemotionaler Relevanz
Brassen, Stefanie
fMRT-Studien zur Bahnung durch unidentifizierbare Reize
Büchel, Christian
Functional, diffusion tensor and spectroscopic MR imaging at 3 Tesla
Büchel, Christian
Functional organisation of the human medial temporal lobe
Sommer-Blöchl, Tobias
Function and relevance of oscillatory prestimulus activity for the formation of memory
Rose, Michael
Getrennte implizite Gedächtnissysteme in Abhängigkeit der Dimension der Assoziation
Haider, Hilde
Rose, Michael
Interactions between inter-temporal decision-making and prospective cognition in low impulse control populations
Peters, Jan
Kognitive Modulation der Schmerzverarbeitung und Placebowirksamkeit untersucht mit fMRT
Büchel, Christian
Lokalisation und funktionelle Relevanz der zentralnervösen Östrogensynthese
Sommer-Blöchl, Tobias
Mechanismen der Modulation visueller Verarbeitung - Der Einfluss von intermodalem "Load" auf die visuelle Aufmerksamkeit
Rose, Michael
Mechanisms underlying the emergence of consciously aware knowledge in an implicit learning task
Haider, Hilde
Nutzen transkranieller Gleichstromstumulation und Teilnahme an einem kognitiv-verhaltenstherpeutischen Gruppenprogramm bei chronischen Rückenschmerzen
May, Arne
Pharmacological modulation of trigeminal nociception in healthy volunteers and migraine patients using event-related f-MRI
May, Arne
Prosodic and {morpho} syntactic effects on lexical access in German and in French
Isel, Frédéric
Role of the endogenous opioid system in human fear extinction
Kalisch, Raffael
Sensory enhancement - learning a new sense
König, Peter
Sex specific effects of estrogen on the neural substrates of episodic and fear memory
Sommer-Blöchl, Tobias
Single-Voxel 1H-Magnetresonanz-Spektroskopie des menschlichen Gehirns mit zweidimensional ortsselektiven Hochfrequenz-Anregungen
Finsterbusch, Jürgen
Systems neuropharmacology of nicotine in aversive learning in humans
Haaker, Jan
The influence of estrogen of hippocampus and amygdala dependent emotional memory
Sommer-Blöchl, Tobias
Untersuchungen von idiopathischen Kopf- und Gesichtschmerzsyndromen mittels der Voxel-basierten Morphometrie
May, Arne
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5389: Contextual influences on dynamic belief updating in volatile environments: Basic mechanisms and clinical implications
Lincoln, Ph.D., Tania Marie
Implementation of dynamic threat belief updating within cerebro-spinal systems and opioidergic pathways
Büchel, Christian
Haaker, Jan
Signatures of network reset during dynamic belief updating in volatile and stochastic environments
Gläscher, Jan
Completed projects
The influence of variability of prior experience and pain on placebo responses
Büchel, Christian
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Validating MRI-based in-vivo histology
Mohammadi, Siawoosh
WBP Position
Current projects
The influence of treatment-history on the perceived efficacy of analgesic treatments
Tinnermann, Ph.D., Alexandra
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Recursive Theory of Mind during cooperative and competitive interactions in a social foraging task
(Project Head
Gläscher, Jan
Completed projects
Characterizing and modulating thalamo-pontine networks in headache
(Project Head
May, Arne
Mechanismen und Repräsentation im bilingualen Lexikon
(Project Head
Büchel, Christian
Temporal and spatial contrast phenomena in pain networks
(Project Head
Büchel, Christian
The role of sleep in the consolidation of fear extinction memory
(Project Heads
Büchel, Christian
Ehrlich, Ingrid
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Correction of instrumental and physiological artefacts to enable advanced diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in the brain
Mohammadi, Siawoosh
Neurobioloigcal mechanisms of Social Return of Fear
Haaker, Jan
The Role of the Amygdala, Striatum and Orbitofrontal Cortex in Computing Reward Expectations and Guiding Behavioral Choice
Gläscher, Jan
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Current projects
Central scientific project: Neuroimaging
(Project Heads
Bingel, Ulrike
Büchel, Christian
Spisak, Ph.D., Tamas
Hierarchical representation of affective expectation effects and their predictive value for longitudinal treatment outcomes in patients with depression
(Project Head
Brassen, Stefanie
How variance in observations of respiratory symptoms shapes first-hand experiences
(Project Heads
Haaker, Jan
Melzig, Christiane
Neural basis of modulators of expectation effects in pain and affective processing
(Project Head
Rose, Michael
The role of self-generated expectations and the limits of the Bayesian pain model
(Project Head
Büchel, Christian
Completed projects
Bayesian analysis of the interaction of learning, semantics and social influence with crossmodal integration
(Project Heads
Gläscher, Jan
Zhu, Jun
Coherence as a mechanism for response selection: interaction of emotion and attention
(Project Heads
Büchel, Christian
Engel, Andreas K.
Neurocognitive mechanisms for implicit learning of crossmodal predictions
(Project Heads
Fu, Qiufang
Gao, Xiaorong
Rose, Michael
The dynamics of fear generalization
(Project Head
Büchel, Christian
The influence and interaction of the dopaminergic and endocannabinoid system on extinction learning mechanisms
(Project Head
Haaker, Jan
The influence of weight and weight loss on homeostatic, mnestic and reward-related brain circuits in older adults
(Project Heads
Brassen, Stefanie
Büchel, Christian
The role of mental models and sense of agency in learning crossmodal communicative acts
(Project Heads
Fu, Xiaolan
Gläscher, Jan
The role of NOS-I mediated 5HT1a signalling in hippocampusdependent fear conditioning
(Project Heads
Büchel, Christian
Kalisch, Raffael
Reif, Andreas
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Utilizing Electroencephalography to Predict Anhedonia Response to Antidepressant Treatment
Strube, Ph.D., Andreas
Completed projects
The influence of treatment-history on the perceived efficacy of analgesic treatments
Tinnermann, Ph.D., Alexandra
Priority Programmes
Current projects
The comprehensive microstructural human connectome (COMIC): from long-range to short-association fibres
Kirilina, Evgeniya
Mohammadi, Siawoosh
Morawski, Ph.D., Markus
Weiskopf, Nikolaus
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1247: Cross-Modal Interaction in Natural and Artificial Cognitive Systems (CINACS)
Zhang, Jianwei
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2753: Emotional Learning and Memory
Schwabe, Lars
Additional Information
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