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Universität Hamburg
Fachbereich Philosophie
Institut für Jüdische Philosophie und Religion
Jungiusstraße 11 C
20355 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
20355 Hamburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Horror and Literary Manifestations of Fear in Early Modern Judaism
Briata, Ilaria
Joel Bri’l Loewe: The Breslau School Reports in Context (1791-1801)
Lohmann, Uta Hella
Wittler, Kathrin
Premodern Philosophic and Scientific Hebrew Terminology in Context. An Online Thesaurus (PESHAT in Context)
Veltri, Giuseppe
Completed projects
Analysis of the interrelationship between haskalah and Neohumanism, edition of programmatic works on 'Bildung' by D. Friedlaender und his correspondence with W. v. Humboldt.
Lohmann, Uta Hella
Auffassungen von der Sprache und ihrem Wirklichkeitsgehalt im Alten Testament und bei den ersten Grammatikern des Hebräischen
Necker, Gerold
Waschke, Ernst-Joachim
Between Two Worlds: The tractate "Light of the Nations" of the Last Jewish Scholastic Philosopher 'Ovadyah Sforno (1475 ca.-1550) in its Hebrew and Latin Version
Veltri, Giuseppe
Edition des rabbinischen Auslegungsmidrash zu den Psalmen, Midrash Tehillim, auf Basis der erhaltenen Handschriften und Fragmente sowie der frühen Drucke
Veltri, Giuseppe
Geniza-Fragmente zum Midrash Tehillim - Edition (Faksimile und Transkription) und zeilensynoptischer Partiturtext, nebst zwei Appendices
Veltri, Giuseppe
Kulturtransfer im neuen Stil: Der Renaissance-Prediger Yehuda Moscato (ca. 1530-1590)
Necker, Gerold
Premodern Philosophic and Scientific Hebrew Terminology: Studies on its Emergence and the Creation of an Internet-Based Historical Lexicon
Veltri, Giuseppe
Werk und Wirkung des Rabbiners und Philosophen Simha (Simone) Luzzatto (1583?-1663)
Veltri, Giuseppe
Cataloguing and Digitisation
Completed projects
Wissenschaftliche Erschließung, Verfilmung und Digitalisierung des Nachlasses Leopold Zunz in der Jüdischen National- und Universitätsbibliothek Jerusalem
Veltri, Giuseppe
Advanced Studies Centres in SSH
Current projects
FOR 2311: Jewish Scepticism (HCAS-JS)
Veltri, Giuseppe
Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies: Jewish Scepticism (HCAS, KOFOR)
Veltri, Giuseppe
Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies: Jewish Scepticism (HCAS, KOFOR)
Veltri, Giuseppe
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Jewish Moralistic Writings (Musar) of the Early Modern Period: 1600-1800
Koch, Ph.D., Patrick
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Holy Man, Miracle Worker, Divine Agent: The Saintly Biographies of Isaac Luria Ashkenazi
Koch, Ph.D., Patrick
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Magia autographa – The Relevance and Status of Jewish Magic Manuscripts in the Age of Printing
(Project Head
Veltri, Giuseppe
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 2008: Interconfessionality in the Early Modern Period
Steiger, Johann Anselm
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5138: Spiritual Intermediality in the Early Modern Period
Steiger, Johann Anselm
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2176: Understanding Written Artefacts
Bausi, Alessandro
Butts, Aaron
Friedrich, Michael
Harter-Uibopuu, Kaja
Hirschler, Ph.D., Konrad
Schroer, Christian
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