Universität Münster
Fachbereich 07 - Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft
Institut für Sportwissenschaft
Horstmarer Landweg 62 b
48149 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48149 Münster
Research Grants
Current projects
Going beyond description - A fourfold methodological approach to analyze the effects of caregivers on infant smiling behavior and development
Kärtner, Joscha
Completed projects
Biomechanische Koordinationsmuster für ausgewählte sportliche Bewegung
Maißer, Peter
Wagner, Heiko
Laterality in Sports
Hagemann, Norbert
Strauß, Bernd
Re-LOAD: Motor skill Learning in Older ADults: neurocognitive correlates, individual differences, and interventions to enable healthy aging
Godde, Ben
Panzer, Stefan
Voelcker-Rehage, Ph.D., Claudia
The significance of job-related expertise in manual dexterity for tactile learning and somatosensory cortical plasticity in middle adulthood between 35 and 65 years of age
Godde, Ben
Visuelle Informationsaufnahme und Aufmerksamkeit im Sport - Die Bedeutung der Aufmerksamkeit für die visuelle Informationsaufnahme peripherer und fovealer Stimuli im Sport
Strauß, Bernd
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Kommerzialisierung, Re-Regulierung, De-Institutionalisierung? Der Umbau des Regulierungsregimes im Sport
Meier, Ph.D., Henk Erik
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Die Bedeutung der Handgeschicklichkeit für die Beschäftigungsfähigkeit älterer Mitarbeiter
Voelcker-Rehage, Ph.D., Claudia
Training-induced plasticity of multitasking in everyday-like motor behavior
Bock, Otmar
Voelcker-Rehage, Ph.D., Claudia
Training-induced plasticity of multitasking in everyday-like motor behavior
Voelcker-Rehage, Ph.D., Claudia
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Inter-active real-time virtual reality environment to investigate human locomotion
Interaktive Echtzeit-Virtual-Reality-Umgebung für Gehaufgaben
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
From Action Perception to Joint Actions: Learning from Joint Handover Actions of Human Dyads for Robotic Actions and Human-Robot interactions
(Project Head
Voelcker-Rehage, Ph.D., Claudia
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1712: Trust and Communication in a Digitised World
Blöbaum, Bernd