Universität Bremen
Institut für Umweltphysik
Abteilung für Erdfernerkundung
Otto-Hahn-Allee 1
28359 Bremen
This institution in GERiT
28359 Bremen
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Patterns and Drivers of Sea ice dynamics in the Southern Ocean (PADOS)
Paul, Stephan
Willmes, Sascha Sebastian
Completed projects
Beobachtung des Beginns und der Länge der sommerlichen Schmelzperiode auf antarktischem Meereis mit Hilfe passiver und aktiver Fernerkundungsverfahren
Bareiss, Jörg
MAMAP - CoMet Proposal for the University of Bremen contribution to the HALO Mission CoMet in the framework of the DFG Priority Program Atmosphären- und Erdsystemforschung mit dem Forschungsflugzeug HALO (SPP 1294)
Bovensmann, Heinrich
Observations and modelling of superimposed ice formation on Antarctic sea ice in summer
Haas, Christian
Recent Antarctic Sea Ice Surface Melt from Satellite Remote Sensing (REASSESS)
Istomina, Larysa
Sea ice type distribution in the Antarctic from microwave satellite observations (SITAnt)
Spreen, Gunnar
Snow contrasts controlling the fate of sea ice
Arndt, Stefanie
The role of diurnal freeze-thaw cycles for summer melting on sea ice
Willmes, Sascha Sebastian
Research Grants
Current projects
Inuit-Led Adaptation to the Breakdown of Arctic Sea Ice for Community Resilience and Travel Security
Haas, Christian
Completed projects
Atmospheric Ionization during Substorm Activity (AISStorm)
Wissing, Jan Maik
Beobachtung und Modellierung der Aufeisbildung auf sommerlichem antarktischem Meereis
Haas, Christian
Fernerkundung der Strahlungseigenschaften von arktischem Aerosol im solaren und thermischen Spektralbereich und Ableitung dazugehöriger mikrophysikalischer Parameter
Fischer, Jürgen
Ground-based remote sensing measurements of CO2 and CH4 using the moon as light source during the polar night
Notholt, Justus
Implications of energetic particle precipitation events for the temperature and dynamics of the atmosphere - a model study
Notholt, Justus
Improving spectroscopic data of H2O in the mid infrared for application on high resolution spectroscopy of the atmosphere..
Birk, Manfred
Palm, Mathias
Investigating the atmospheric composition from the 1950s on using historical solar absorption infrared spectra
Notholt, Justus
Palm, Mathias
Investigating the diurnal variability of trace gases in the TROpical West PACific measured by solar absorption spectrometry in the infrared (TROPAC)
Notholt, Justus
Investigation of the mesopheric OH-Layer via FT spectroscopy and mesospheric models, OHTEMP II
Palm, Mathias
Methane fluxes from seasonally flooded forests in the Amazon basin
van Asperen, Hella
Modelling atmospheric effects of electrical discharges
Notholt, Justus
Model studies of hydroxyl airglow under the influence of ionization.
Winkler, Holger
Model studies on chemical effects of sprites in the mesosphere in relation with satellite measurements
Winkler, Holger
Model studies on vibrationally-rotationally excited hydroxyl molecules in the mesosphere and rotational temperatures
Notholt, Justus
Sabbatical for six months at the JRC in Ispra/Italy for (1) measurement of NH3 and other trace gases in the atmosphere in a region with very variable and high NH3 values (2) to intensify the cooperation with the JRC
Notholt, Justus
Studying dissolved organic carbon in tropical rivers of Malaysia using in-situ and satellite observations
Notholt, Justus
Rixen, Tim
Warneke, Thorsten
Subsidence of high atmospheric air above the Arctic derived from CO time series measured by ground-based microwave radiometers.
Palm, Mathias
Understanding snow and sea ice properties at microwave frequencies for remote sensing applications during MOSAiC (MOSAiCmicrowaveRS)
Singha, Suman
Spreen, Gunnar
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Influence of the solar radiation on the diurnal and seasonal variability of 0³ and H²0 in the stratosphere and lower mesosphere based on continuous observations in the tropics and high Arctic
Hochschild, Gerd
Notholt, Justus
Model calculations of long-time changes in the middle and upper atmospheric chemical composition, temperature and circulation resulting from a changing Earth magnetic field
Sinnhuber, Miriam
Current projects
Central services, administration and coordination
(Project Heads
Crewell, Susanne
Notholt, Justus
Wendisch, Manfred
ffects of heterogeneous sea ice properties on radiative energy fluxes and its influence on Arctic amplification
(Project Heads
Heygster, Georg
Jäkel, Evelyn
Nicolaus, Marcel
Spreen, Gunnar
Wendisch, Manfred
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Crewell, Susanne
Notholt, Justus
Spreen, Gunnar
Wendisch, Manfred
Interactions between atmosphere and sea ice-ocean in the Arctic
(Project Heads
Rinke, Annette
Spreen, Gunnar
Moisture intrusions: Processes and climatological impacts
(Project Heads
Crewell, Susanne
Rinke, Annette
Spreen, Gunnar
Ny-Ålesund column thermodynamic structure, clouds, aerosols, trace gases and radiative effects
(Project Heads
Dahlke, Sandro
Ebell, Kerstin
Maturilli, Marion
Notholt, Justus
Research data management
(Project Heads
Buschmann, Matthias
Notholt, Justus
Variability and trends of water vapor in the Arctic
(Project Heads
Crewell, Susanne
Ebell, Kerstin
Heygster, Georg
Rinke, Annette
Spreen, Gunnar
Completed projects
Latitudinal variability of water vapour, aerosols, and optically thin clouds
(Project Heads
Neuber, Roland
Notholt, Justus
Research Units
Current projects
ATMO-DEL: Determination of the atmospheric delay via line-of-sight modelling and measurements of the tropospheric composition and the ionospheric electron distribution.
Palm, Mathias
FOR 5456: Clock Metrology: A Novel Approach to TIME in Geodesy
Schreiber, Ulrich
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1904: ArcTrain - Processes and Impacts of Climate Change in the North Atlantic Ocean and the Canadian Arctic
Kucera, Ph.D., Michal
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 309: The Ocean in the Earth System
Schulz, Michael