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Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Department Mathematik
Cauerstraße 11
91058 Erlangen
This institution in GERiT
91058 Erlangen
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Darstellungstheorie von Kac-Moody-Algebren und das geometrische Langlands-Programm
Fiebig, Peter
Highly nonlinear evolutionary problems
Singer, Thomas
Mathematisch rigoroses Studium des anomalen Quantentransportes in aperiodischen Modellen der Festkörperphysik
Schulz-Baldes, Hermann
Statistische Physik periodischer und nichtperiodischer Ordnungsstrukturen
Richard, Christoph
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Inhomogeneous and compressible fluids: statistical solutions and dissipative anomalies
Wiedemann, Emil
Completed projects
Control of System Dynamics in Gas and Water Networks
Gugat, Martin
Herty, Michael
Critical level representations of affine Kac-Moody algebras and the geometric Langlands program
Fiebig, Peter
Distributed Compressive Sensing: Theoretical Limits and Algorithmic Approaches
Müller, Ralf Reiner
Schulz-Baldes, Hermann
Dualities in the representation theory and geometry of loop groups
Fiebig, Peter
Moduli and symmetry groups
Barth, Wolf
Rigorose Analysis von Quanten-Hall-Systemen
Seiler, Ruedi
Research Grants
Current projects
Mathematics of disordered topological matter
Schulz-Baldes, Hermann
Optimal control of nonlocal conservation laws and the singular limit problem
Keimer, Alexander
Renormalized Solutions in Optimal Control of Evolution Equations
Meinlschmidt, Hannes
Representations and binomial coefficients
Fiebig, Peter
Completed projects
Analysis and Implementation of Highly Compressive Sensing
Müller, Ralf Reiner
Schulz-Baldes, Hermann
Applied index theory for quantum and classical systems
Schulz-Baldes, Hermann
Besov regularity of parabolic differential equations on Lipschitz domains
Schneider, Cornelia
CISM-Kurs "Liquid Films"
Gugat, Martin
Combinatorial Structures in Statistical Mechanics and Theoretical Solid State Physics
Richard, Christoph
Curves on abelian varieties
Lange, Herbert
Dynamik, Spektralanalyse und Streutheorie für zeitumkehrinvariante Systeme
Schulz-Baldes, Hermann
Elliptische und parabolische Hindernis-Probleme mit irregulären Hindernissen
Duzaar, Frank
Existence and regularity for parabolic quasi minimizers on metric measure spaces
Habermann, Jens
Group theoretical problems in algebraic groups
Strambach, Karl
I. Lokalisierung und Delokalisierung im 2- und 3-dimensionalen Anderson-Modell II. Störungstheorie für quasi-eindimensionale zufällige Medien III. Mott-Leitfähigkeit aus Irrfahrt in ungeordnetem Medium IV. Mathematische Aspekte des Quanten-Hall-Effekts
Schulz-Baldes, Hermann
Regularität von Lösungen quasilinearer subelliptischer Gleichungen mit Nichtstandard-Wachstum in der Heisenberg-Gruppe; Die singuläre Menge von Minima konvexer Varationsprobleme höherer Ordnung und Randregularität von Lösungen elliptischer Systeme
Duzaar, Frank
Turbulent Behaviour of Compressible Flows
Wiedemann, Emil
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Elektrischer Transport in Modellen von Festkörpern und mesoskopischen Systemen, in denen feine Quanteninterferenzphänomene dominant sind
Schulz-Baldes, Hermann
Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Conceptual questions of quantum gravity and mathematical structures in three-dimensional gravity
Meusburger, Catherine
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Quantum Fields and Operator Algebras
Lechner, Gandalf
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Geometrische Variationsprobleme
(Project Heads
Duzaar, Frank
Grotowski, Joseph F.
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Topological dynamics on patterns of resonators with a focus on group symmetries
Stoiber, Tom
Current projects
Nodal control and the turnpike phenomenon
(Project Heads
Gugat, Martin
Schultz, Rüdiger
Observer-based data assimilation for time dependent flows on gas networks
(Project Heads
Giesselmann, Jan
Gugat, Martin
Random batch methods for optimal control of network dynamics
(Project Heads
Hante, Falk
Zuazua, Enrique
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2339: IntComSin: Interfaces, Complex Structures, and Singular Limits in Continuum Mechanics - Analysis and Numerics
Grün, Günther
Additional Information
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