Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Fakultät VI - Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften
Arbeitsgruppe Neurogenetik
Carl von Ossietzky Straße 9-11
26129 Oldenburg
This institution in GERiT
26129 Oldenburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Sensory and respiratory brainstem circuits: from molecular diversity and connectivity to function
Hernandez-Miranda, Ph.D., Luis R.
Nothwang, Hans-Gerd
Completed projects
Biochemische und elektrophysiologische Charakterisierung der KCC2-Aktivierung während der Reifung inhibitorischer Synapsen
Nothwang, Hans-Gerd
Charakterisierung der Ontogenese einer inhibitorischen Verbindung im auditorischen Hirnstamm mittels serieller Analyse der Genexpression (SAGE)
Nothwang, Hans-Gerd
Die Funktion von Gamma-Crystallinen bei der Ausbildung auditorischer Schaltkreise
Nothwang, Hans-Gerd
Die Rolle von ßPix für die Transportaktivität und Oberflächenexpression von KCC2
Nothwang, Hans-Gerd
Evolutionary development of excitatory projection neurons in tetrapod sound localization circuits
Nothwang, Hans-Gerd
Funktionelle phylogenetische Analyse der Kation-Chlorid-Kotransporter Genfamilie
Hartmann, Anna-Maria
Ontogeny of inhibitory neurons in the auditory hindbrain
Nothwang, Hans-Gerd
Phosphoproteomanalyse der Plasmamembran im auditorischen Hirnstamm
Nothwang, Hans-Gerd
Phospho-regulation of the K-Cl cotransporter KCC2
Nothwang, Hans-Gerd
Role of spontaneous activity for the development of the giant synapse formed by the calyx of Held and principal neurons of the MNTB
Nothwang, Hans-Gerd
Vergleichende molekulare und funktionelle Analyse der Proteinkomplexe der Kation-Chlorid-Kotransporter KCC2 und NKCC1 im Gehirn
Schindler, Jens
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Fast temporal processing and ,central auditory disorder`: subcortical mechanisms
Kral, Andrej
Nothwang, Hans-Gerd
Role of L-type Ca2+-channels for development and function of the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body, an ultrafast relay center involved in sound localization
Friauf, Eckhard
Nothwang, Hans-Gerd
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1885: Molecular Basis of Sensory Biology
Koch, Karl-Wilhelm
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1077: Hearing for All: Models, Technology and Solutions for Diagnostics, Restoration and Support of Hearing
Kollmeier, Birger
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2177: Hearing4all
Kollmeier, Birger
Lenarz, Thomas
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
NFDI4Health – National Research Data Infrastructure for Personal Health Data
Fluck, Juliane