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Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Institut für Materialwissenschaft
Lehrstuhl Funktionale Nanomaterialien
Kaiserstraße 2
24143 Kiel
This institution in GERiT
24143 Kiel
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Interdisziplinäre anwendungsnahe Forschung mit nanostrukturierten Materialien
Adelung, Rainer
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Fabrication and characterization of functional nanowire and tube based devices
Adelung, Rainer
Korrelation von Metallwachstum auf molekularen organischen Halbleitern und elektronischen Eigenschaften
Adelung, Rainer
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Mechanically Soft Micro and Macrocomposite for Wearable Devices
(Project Heads
Adelung, Rainer
Ameri, Ph.D., Tayebeh
Faupel, Franz
Memsensors in Dynamically Configurable Network Systems
(Project Heads
Adelung, Rainer
Faupel, Franz
Nano-battery to mimic neural transmitters in the synaptic cleft
(Project Heads
Adelung, Rainer
Hansen, Sandra
Completed projects
Controlled Magnetic Field Sensors based on the ´E-Effect
(Project Heads
Adelung, Rainer
Faupel, Franz
Meurer, Thomas
Herstellung von vertikal freistehenden magnetoelektrischen Kompositen
(Project Head
Adelung, Rainer
Integriertes Graduiertenkolleg
(Project Heads
Adelung, Rainer
Klinkenbusch, Ludger
Stephani, Ulrich
Mechanophoric Composites
(Project Heads
Adelung, Rainer
Staubitz, Anne
Photoswitchable Adhesives
(Project Heads
Adelung, Rainer
Gorb, Stanislav N.
Staubitz, Anne
Piezotronic magnetoelectric sensors
(Project Head
Adelung, Rainer
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Research Grants
Current projects
An all-solid-state Li-ion battery comprising a novel porous Si anode, NCM cathode, and an efficient polymer/clay solid electrolyte
Adelung, Rainer
Electrically-switchable thermo-mechanical 3D microchannel composites - Fabrication, characterisation and modelling
Adelung, Rainer
Ziegenhorn, Matthias
Functional intrinsic hybrid composites with active elements and structured metal surfaces Continuation: Efficient heat and load transport for fast rate activation - dynamic characterization and multi scale modelling
Adelung, Rainer
Gurka, Martin
Mixed perovskite- and mullite-type bandgap tailored visible light photocatalysts for wastewater purification
Gesing, Thorsten Michael
Completed projects
Differential analysis of the role of surface properties and cellular uptake of metal oxides in their nanoform for their cytocompatibility by means of synthesized micro-nanostructures
Adelung, Rainer
Röhl, Claudia
Einfluss der Verhinderung der Kollagen-Degradation durch MMPs auf den Dentin-Klebeverbund
Abetz, Volker
Faupel, Franz
Kern, Matthias
Electrochemical and microstructural analysis of the processes occurring in Si microwire-array anodes (and full-cells) for high capacity Lithium ion batteries
Adelung, Rainer
Kienle, Lorenz
Highly porous 3-dimensional aeromaterials for energy-efficient, ultra-fast and selective gas sensors
Adelung, Rainer
Fiedler, Bodo
High-performance and lightweight Graphene-CFRP tank for storage of compressed Hydrogen for aerospace applications
Adelung, Rainer
Wagenknecht, Udo
Ziegenhorn, Matthias
Magnetoelectric sensors based on magnetostrictive and organic hybrid-composites
Adelung, Rainer
Faupel, Franz
Piezotronic effects in freestanding microcomposites
Adelung, Rainer
Kienle, Lorenz
Murphy, Bridget
Structure, properties, and growth mechanisms of three-dimensional graphite networks (aerographite)
Adelung, Rainer
Fiedler, Bodo
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 2093: Memristive Devices for Neural Systems
Kohlstedt, Hermann
Memristive and memsensor devices for filament free sparse CNT networks
Adelung, Rainer
Faupel, Franz
Properties of metal and organic adsorbates of reduced dimensions on layered crystals
Adelung, Rainer
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
3D-Printed Capillarity-Driven Drug Delivery Systems for Controlled Release
Siebert, Leonard
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 2154: Materials for Brain (M4B): Thin film functional materials for minimally invasive therapy of brain dieseases
Adelung, Rainer
Selhuber-Unkel, Christine
Additional Information
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