Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Institut für Medizinische Psychologie und Verhaltensneurobiologie
Otfried-Müller-Straße 25
72076 Tübingen
This institution in GERiT
72076 Tübingen
Research Grants
Current projects
Augmentative effects of sleep in mirror exposure
Gais, Steffen
Svaldi, Ph.D., Jennifer
Vocks, Silja
Characterizing rapid rehearsal-induced memory consolidation and its modulation by sleep by combining fMRI and intracranial EEG
Bause, Jonas
Brodt, Svenja
Keeping mind and body in sync: Non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation as a tool to modulate stomach-brain coupling in depression
Hallschmid, Manfred
Kroemer, Nils
MEG investigation of sleep and sleep-related memory reactivation
Gais, Steffen
Sleep behaviour and memory consolidation in patients with disorders of consciousness
Kotchoubey, Boris
Completed projects
Addiction to cigarette smoking and physiological regulation of brain areas - Neuronal mechanims of reward learing and extinction in smokers
Birbaumer, Niels
Application of fMRI Brain-Computer Interface to self-regulation of the BOLD signal and neural connectivity in Schizophrenia
Birbaumer, Niels
Beeinflussung der kortikalen Reorganisation bei Patienten mit einem komplexen Regionalen Schmerzsyndrom
Birbaumer, Niels
Bewusstseinsprozesse im vegetativen Zustand
Kotchoubey, Boris
Brain mechanisms of imagery training and action observation
Birbaumer, Niels
Can neurofeedback-based modification of functional cerebral asymmetries and anterior cingulate activation improve the treatment of depressive disorders?
Bergert, Ph.D., Susanne
Mathiak, Klaus
Combined functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) and electroencephalogram (EEG) based brain-computer interface (BCI) for communication in patient in completely locked-in state (CLIS: completely locked in state).
Birbaumer, Niels
Compensatory potential of the brain with early periventricular lesions: visual perceptual deficits and brain imaging
Krägeloh-Mann, Ingeborg
Cortical reorganisation and stress-incontinence in women
Birbaumer, Niels
Die neuro-endokrine Determinierung neokortikaler Verarbeitungsmodi im Schlaf
Born, Jan
Die Wirkung oszillatorischer und transkranieller Kortexstimulation auf kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit und Gehirnaktivität
Birbaumer, Niels
Einfluss transkranieller Magnetstimulation auf Falschaussagen in der Tathergangsdiagnostik
Birbaumer, Niels
Episodic memory consolidation during sleep across development
Born, Jan
Inostroza, Ph.D., Marion
Fetale Magnetoenzephalographie (fMEG)
Birbaumer, Niels
High-Field MRI as a tool for medical diagnosis and brain research
Schick, Fritz
Influence of implicit and explicit priming on nutritional fat habits and underlying neuronal networks.
Frank-Podlech, Ph.D., Sabine
Instrumental Learning of Anterior Insular Cortex Activity with Real-time fMRI in Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Born, Jan
Kopplungsmerkmale zur Klassifikation von MEG-Signalen für Gehirn-Computer-Kommunikationssysteme
Birbaumer, Niels
Rosenstiel, Wolfgang
Kortikale Reorganisation bei Amyotropher Lateralsklerose
Ludolph, Albert Christian
Kortikale und subkortikale Reorganisation bei der Amyotrophen Lateralsklerose: Untersuchung kortikaler und subkortikaler Reorganisation und exekutive Funktionen bei Patienten mit neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen
Birbaumer, Niels
Ludolph, Albert Christian
Maschinelles Lernen zur automatisierten Merkmalsextraktion und Klassifikation von EEG-Signalen für Gehirn-Computer-Kommunikationssysteme
Rosenstiel, Wolfgang
Modulation der Insulinwirkung im Gehirn durch Nahrungsfette
Birbaumer, Niels
Fritsche, Andreas
Ruth, Peter
Neuroendocrine plasticity in obesity
Ritze, Yvonne
Neurofeedback for Adult Attention-Defizit-/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A proof of principle comparison of Slow Cortical Potentials and Near-Infrared-Feedback with Placebo Treatment
Ehlis, Ph.D., Ann-Christine
Fallgatter, Andreas Jochen
Strehl, Ute
Neuroplastic changes in solo vocalists
Birbaumer, Niels
Pattern classification of brain states using fMRI
Birbaumer, Niels
Physiological Regulation of Chronic Tinnitus
Birbaumer, Niels
Physiological regulation of emotions
Birbaumer, Niels
Prosodische Phrasierung in der auditorischen und visuellen Satzverarbeitung
Dogil, Grzegorz
Psychophysiologische Korrelate von Achtsamkeit und anhaltender Aufmerksamkeit bei nicht Depressiven und bei rezidivierend Depressiven.
Hautzinger, Martin
Kotchoubey, Boris
Psychophysiology of cognition in patients with severe motor impairments
Kotchoubey, Boris
Role of oxytocin in attentional bias and reward-related food intake in binge eating disorder
Hallschmid, Manfred
Heinrichs, Markus
Svaldi, Ph.D., Jennifer
Tuschen-Caffier, Brunna
Selbstkontrolle langsamer Hirnpotentiale. Einflüsse auf Kommunukation und Wahrnehmung
Birbaumer, Niels
Sensorimotor integration for vocal control of singing
Kleber, Boris
Sleep and memory formation in infants and toddlers
Friedrich, Manuela
Sleep to be social: Sleep-dependent processing of social information about the self and others
Diekelmann, Ph.D., Susanne
Krach, Sören
Sustained Attention as Mediator in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression
Hautzinger, Martin
Kotchoubey, Boris
The communicative construction of marginal social spheres: fragile interaction with people who suffer from autism spectrum disorders
Hitzler, Ronald
The functional role of labilization and reconsolidation for memory formation during sleep and wakefulness
Diekelmann, Ph.D., Susanne
Using multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) to determine learning related changes in structural brain connectivity with diffusion MRI
Gais, Steffen
Leibold, Christian
Verbesserung sportlicher Spitzenleistungen: Ein Psychophysiologischer Ansatz
Birbaumer, Niels
Research Units
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Born, Jan
FOR 5434: Information Abstraction During Sleep
Born, Jan
Reactivation and abstraction of self-related social information during sleep
Diekelmann, Ph.D., Susanne
Krach, Sören
Sleep-dependent transformation of episodic memory during early life
Born, Jan
Inostroza, Ph.D., Marion
Completed projects
FOR 457: Gedächtnisbildung im Schlaf: Konsolidierung psychologischer, metabolischer und immunologischer Setpoints
Born, Jan
Memory formation during sleeps. Neuropharmacological and neuroendocrine conditions.
Born, Jan
Neokortikale Verarbeitungsmodi als Abbild von Gedächtnisprozessen im Schlaf
Mölle, Matthias
Wach-Sakkaden und Schlaf-REMs als Indikatoren visuomotorischer Gedächtniskonsolidierung im Schlaf: Einflüsse von Sakkaden-Typ, Memorisierungszeit und Läsionen kortikaler Sakkadenzentren
Heide, Wolfgang
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Reactivation in cortical and subcortical systems during consolidation of declarative memory - investigations in wakefulness and sleep
Gais, Steffen
Reinhart Koselleck Projects
Current projects
Starving for Memory - Consolidation Independent of Sleep
Born, Jan
Completed projects
Classical and instrumental conditioning of brain-communication and neuronal connectivity
Birbaumer, Niels
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Administration and central tasks
(Project Head
Born, Jan
(Project Head
Born, Jan
Brain stimulation and simulation to modulate sleep-dependent memory consolidation
(Project Heads
Marshall, Lisa
Martinetz, Thomas
Mölle, Matthias
Die Wirkung von medialer kriegerischer Gewalt auf Gehirn und Verhalten
(Project Head
Birbaumer, Niels
Eye movements and the functional role of sleep. An investigation of dynamics, control mechanisms, cortical potentials and learning
(Project Heads
Gais, Steffen
Kimmig, Hubert
Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstellen (Brain-Computer-Interfaces, BCI) Untersuchungen zur direkten Hirn-Kommunikation und motorischen Neuroprothetik
(Project Head
Birbaumer, Niels
Integration of bottom-up and top-down processing in sleep-dependent
(Project Heads
Nienborg, Hendrikje
Rauss, Karsten
Orexin A in the regulation of sleep and energy homeostasis: comparative investigations in humans and rodents
(Project Heads
Baier, Paul Christian
Hallschmid, Manfred
Psychophysiologie des Erkennens bei Bewusstseinsstörungen
(Project Head
Kotchoubey, Boris
Remembering the past to anticipate the future: The functional role of sleep in predictive coding and prospective memory
(Project Heads
Diekelmann, Ph.D., Susanne
Rauss, Karsten
SFB 654: Plasticity and Sleep
Born, Jan
Sleep-dependent plasticity and metabolism during early life
(Project Heads
Fritsche, Andreas
Hallschmid, Manfred
Preissl, Hubert
Sleep-dependent reorganization of neocortical microcircuit.
(Project Heads
Born, Jan
Sato, Ph.D., Takashi
Sleep to learn energy homeostasis
(Project Heads
Hallschmid, Manfred
Meyhöfer, Sebastian Michael
The functional role of sleep-related memory reactivations for long-term system consolidation
(Project Heads
Born, Jan
Rasch, Björn
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Bedeutung der Insulinsensitivität des ZNS in der Pathogenese und in der Prävention des Diabetes mellitus Typ 2
Fritsche, Andreas
Ingestion und Kognition - Der Einfluss von Antizipation, Perzeption und Schlafentzug auf die Nahrungsaufnahme
Hallschmid, Manfred
Metabolisches Lernen - Wird die Adaptation an wiederholte Hypoglykämien durch glutamaterge Mechanismen vermittelt?
Pais, Isabel
Emmy Noether International Fellowships
Completed projects
Untersuchung des hippokampo-neokortikalen Dialogs im deklarativen Gedächtnis mittels funktioneller Magnetresonanztomographie (fMRT)
Gais, Steffen
Clinical Trials
Completed projects
Neurofeedback in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) - a controlled multicenter study of a non-pharmacological treatment approach
Holtmann, Martin
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Nahinfrarotspektroskopiesystem (NIRS)
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
How does the thalamus mediate brain-wide memory consolidation during sleep?
Klinzing, Jens
Priority Programmes
Current projects
A large-scale collaborative assessment of the replicability and robustness of EEG research
Busch, Niko
Pavlov, Ph.D., Yuri
Completed projects
Klassische Konditionierung emotionaler Reaktionen: Funktionelle Untersuchungen der subkortikalen und kortikalen Grundlagen bei Gesunden sowie Patienten mit sozialen Ängsten und Soziopathie
Schneider, Frank
Mechanismen der Konditionierung emotionaler Reaktionen bei Gesunden, Psychopathen und sozial Ängstlichen
Birbaumer, Niels
Mechanismen der Konditionierung emotionaler Reaktionen bei Gesunden, Psychopathen und sozial Ängstlichen
Flor, Herta
Neuropsychologische Grundlagen der Konditionierung motorischer Reaktionen
Daum, Irene
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 778: Cognitive Neurobiology
Mallot, Hanspeter A.
GRK 889: Bioethics - Theoretical Foundations, Neurosciences, Genetic Information
Engels, Eve-Marie
International Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2804: Women's mental health across the reproductive years
Derntl, Birgit
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 307: Interdisciplinary Centre for Integrative Neuroscience (CIN)
Thier, Hans-Peter