Technische Universität München (TUM)
Physik Department
Arbeitsgruppe Theoretische Elementarteilchenphysik T30d
James-Franck-Straße 1/I
85748 Garching
This institution in GERiT
85748 Garching
Research Grants
Completed projects
BSMEXPEDITION_Paving the way to a Beyond the Standard Model Theory
Buras, Andrzej Jerzy
Weiler, Andreas
Constraining the fundamental properties of the dark matter particle
Ibarra, Alejandro
Flavor and CP in supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model
Weiler, Andreas
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Challenging dark matter at colliders
(Project Heads
Frederix, Rikkert
Haisch, Ulrich
Harz, Julia
Heinrich, Lukas
Weiler, Andreas
Challenging dark matter through neutrinos
(Project Heads
Ibarra, Alejandro
Resconi, Elisa
Confronting neutrino experiments with model building and cosmology
(Project Heads
Garbrecht, Björn
Harz, Julia
Ibarra, Alejandro
Hyperons and axions in neutron stars
(Project Heads
Fabbietti, Laura
Mantovani-Sarti, Valentina
Weiler, Andreas
Munich school on neutrinos and dark matter (MONA)
(Project Heads
Garbrecht, Björn
Ibarra, Alejandro
Linke, Armin
Mantovani-Sarti, Valentina
Mertens, Susanne
Oberauer, Lothar
Strauss, Raimund
Phenomenology of light dark matter
(Project Heads
Garny, Mathias
Ibarra, Alejandro
Quantum effects in dark matter physics
(Project Heads
Beneke, Martin
Garny, Mathias
Ibarra, Alejandro
Completed projects
Anti-nuclei from dark matter?
(Project Heads
Fabbietti, Laura
Ibarra, Alejandro
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1054: Particle Physics at the Energy Frontier of New Phenomena
Biebel, Otmar
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2094: ORIGINS: From the Origin of the Universe to the First Building Blocks of Life
Burkert, Andreas
Paul, Stephan