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Universitätsklinikum Würzburg
Deutsches Zentrum für Herzinsuffizienz Würzburg
Straubmühlweg 2a
97078 Würzburg
This institution in GERiT
97078 Würzburg
Research Units
Completed projects
Einflussfaktoren der pulmonalen Mikrostrukur auf das MRT-Signal
Schreiber, Laura Maria
Research Grants
Current projects
Impact of incretin-based therapeutic strategies for obesity and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
Dischinger, Ulrich
Sequeira, Vasco
NAD metabolism in inherited cardiomyopathies
Maack, Christoph
Novel approaches to target impaired mitochondrial calcium handling in atrial fibrillation
Maack, Christoph
Voigt, Wolfgang Niels
Understanding of InterOrgan Networks in Cardiac and Vascular Diseases (UNION-CVD)
Hahner, Stefanie
Completed projects
Addressing the interrelation between immunosenescence and post-myocardial infarction healing processes
Ramos, Ph.D., Gustavo C.
Development of an In-bore DNP Polarizer at 1.5 T Magnetic Field for in vivo MRI and MRS Studies
Prisner, Thomas F.
Schreiber, Laura Maria
Enhancing self-care adherence in heart failure patients by developing a manual containing well-defined and theory-based behaviour change interventions through the application of the COM-B behaviour model
Herber, Oliver Rudolf
Impact of elevated pre- and afterload on production of reactive oxygen species in cardiac myocytes
Maack, Christoph
Mutationen im Titin als Ursache familiärer Muskelerkrankungen
Gerull, Brenda
Myokardiale Perfusionsbildgebung an einem Hochleistungs- MRT-System bei Patienten mit koronarer Herzerkrankung: Entwicklung einer klinisch einsetzbaren quantitativen Diagnosetechnik
Schreiber, Laura Maria
Optimierung der Hochfrequenz-Oszillations-Ventilation mittels strömungsmechanischer Methoden und Kontrastgas-gestützter Magnetresonanztomographie: 2. Teil
Schreiber, Laura Maria
Wagner, Claus
Retrograde signaling pathways and changes in cardiac metabolism induced by mitochondrial dysfunction in Barth syndrome
Dudek, Jan Alexander
Role of the Raf Kinase Inhibitor Protein in the regulation of the time course of cardiac fibrogenesis
Kazakov, Andrey
The role of the Na/K ATPase in heart failure
Eder-Negrin, Ph.D., Petra
Emmy Noether International Fellowships
Completed projects
The role of mitochondrial NO-synthase for the regulation of the mitochondrial respiratory chain and the generation of reactive oxygen species in cardiac myocytes
Maack, Christoph
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Mitochondriale antioxidative Kapazität bei kardialem Remodeling
Maack, Christoph
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Cardiovascular Physiology and Bioenergetics
Maack, Christoph
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Tracking heart-specific immune responses after myocardial infarction
Ramos, Ph.D., Gustavo C.
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Animal model and imaging platform
(Project Heads
Lorenz, Kristina
Maack, Christoph
Schreiber, Laura Maria
Schuh, Kai
Cellular junctions: target structures for inflammation in arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy and beyond
(Project Heads
Dölken, Lars
Gerull, Brenda
Heart-specific antibodies as modulators of myocardial infarction
(Project Heads
Heinze, Katrin G.
Ramos, Ph.D., Gustavo C.
Mitochondrial membrane remodelling regulates metabolism and controls innate and adaptive immune responses to myocardial infarction
(Project Heads
Dudek, Jan Alexander
Väth, Ph.D., Martin
Myeloid cell 7T ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging in pigs as a translational platform for cardiac immunotherapy
(Project Heads
Bauer, Wolfgang Rudolf
Hofmann, Ulrich
Schreiber, Laura Maria
Pathomechanisms of Immunosenescence in the post-myocardial infarction healing response
(Project Heads
Gasteiger, Georg
Ramos, Ph.D., Gustavo C.
Role of anti-heart autoimmunity for disease progression in patients with acute decompensation of heart failure
(Project Heads
Beyersdorf, Niklas
Morbach, Caroline
Role of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species for triggering inflammation during cardiac pressure overload
(Project Head
Maack, Christoph
Completed projects
Integrative consequences of defective mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake in Barth syndrome
(Project Heads
Maack, Christoph
Prates Roma, Ph.D., Leticia
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Confocal laser scanning microscope
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Die Bedeutung der mitochondrialen Ca2+-Aufnahme während der elektronischen Kopplung für die Energetik und den Redoxstatus in Kardiomyozyten
Maack, Christoph
Current projects
Interplay between calcium signaling and oxidative stress in pathogenic immune cells during CKD and associated CVD
(Project Heads
Maack, Christoph
Niemeyer, Ph.D., Barbara Anne
Prates Roma, Ph.D., Leticia
Speer, Ph.D., Thimoteus
Core Facilities
Completed projects
German Ultrahigh Field Imaging (GUFI)
Ladd, Mark E.
Quick, Harald
Speck, Oliver
Additional Information
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