Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Geographisches Institut
Professur für Geomorphologie und Bodengeographie
Im Neuenheimer Feld 348
69120 Heidelberg
This institution in GERiT
69120 Heidelberg
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Alpha-recoil-track-dating (ART-D) of dark mica from the Long-Valley-Caldera volcanic suite
Wagner, Günther A.
Fission-track-dating at drill cores from the ICDP/CCSD Donghai drill holes, China
Wagner, Günther A.
Luminescence- and Alpha-Recoil-Track-Dating of Lake Malawi Sediments
Kadereit, Annette
Spaltspur-Analyse der postorogenen Entwicklung des Qinling-Dabie-Sulu Orogens (China)
Wagner, Günther A.
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Data management and spatial data analysis
(Project Heads
Bareth, Georg
Bubenzer, Olaf
Curdt, Constanze
Ground-based observations and experiments
(Project Heads
Bareth, Georg
Bubenzer, Olaf
Completed projects
Data Management and Data Service
(Project Heads
Bareth, Georg
Bubenzer, Olaf
GIS-gestützter Atlas holozäner Nutzungspotentiale ausgewählter Arbeitsgebiete
(Project Head
Bubenzer, Olaf
Out of Africa - Late Pleistocene Rock Shelter Stratigraphies and Palaeoenvironments in Northeast Africa
(Project Heads
Bubenzer, Olaf
Kindermann, Karin
Richter, Jürgen
Vogelsang, Ralf
Regionale Klimaentwicklung und menschliche Besiedlung zwischen Niltal und Zentralsahara
(Project Heads
Bubenzer, Olaf
Kuper, Rudolph
Soil dynamics and hillslope processes
(Project Head
Bubenzer, Olaf
Research Grants
Current projects
Uncovering complex star dune dynamics using dense spatiotemporal 3D monitoring
Anders, Katharina
Herzog, Manuel
Completed projects
Holocene human-nature interaction at a geoecological key location - Geomorphological and sedimentological investigations at Vráble, Slovakia
Bubenzer, Olaf
Eitel, Bernhard
The Darb el-Tawil: A caravan route across the Egyptian Western Desert and its potential for methods and concepts in desert road archaeology
Riemer, Heiko
Wadi Sura - a rock art site and its archaeological context in the Gilf Kebir
Bubenzer, Olaf
Kuper, Rudolph
Leisen, Hans
Priority Programmes
Current projects
The River Weschnitz Fluvioscape and its Interaction with the Lorsch Abbey
Becker, Thomas
Bubenzer, Olaf
Mächtle, Bertil
Recker, Udo
Schenk, Gerrit Jasper
Vött, Andreas
Completed projects
EarthShape - BOFEDAL: Biota's forcing of earth surface dynamics ascertained on land and sea
Mächtle, Bertil
Schittek, Karsten