Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Department Chemie und Pharmazie
Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Straße 10
91058 Erlangen
This institution in GERiT
91058 Erlangen
Research Grants
Current projects
Dye-containing macrocycles for recognition and detection of nucleotides
Kataev, Evgeny
Fixation of pharmaceuticals on graphene surfaces
Eigler, Siegfried
Heinrich, Markus
Leaving Lead Behind
Crisp, Ryan
Novel inhibitors of the transcriptional coactivators MKL1 and -2 for tumor therapy
Heinrich, Markus
Mühlich, Ph.D., Susanne
Solar Reduction of CO2 at Nano-Architectured Photoelectrodes Featuring Advanced Photon Management
Crisp, Ryan
Synthesis, switchability and self-assembly of disulfide polymer particles in aqueous solution
Gröhn, Franziska
Completed projects
Artificial receptors for perrhenate and pertechnetate
Kataev, Evgeny
Catalytic and Electrochemical Release of Solar Energy Stored in Strained Organic Compounds
Bachmann, Ph.D., Julien
Libuda, Jörg
Papp, Christian
Chemistry for 3D spintronics
Bachmann, Ph.D., Julien
Ensinger, Wolfgang
Conformational fixation of amide bonds through positive charges
Heinrich, Markus
Entwicklung radikalchemischer Methoden zur Synthese von Biarylverbindungen, Anwendung in der Wirkstoffherstellung
Heinrich, Markus
Investigation of stability and degradation phenomena in model M@C / PANI nanocomposite electrodes with 2D and 3D architecture
Bachmann, Ph.D., Julien
Medicinal and radiopharmaceutical chemistry with phenylazocarboxylic esters
Heinrich, Markus
Prante, Olaf
Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Particles through Electrostatic Self-Assembly
Gröhn, Franziska
Photoswitchable Nanostructures by Electrostatic Self-Assembly
Gröhn, Franziska
Recognition and detection of orthophosphate
Kataev, Evgeny
Selbstassemblierung amphiphiler und doppelt-hydrophiler Zwitterionen: Zusammenspiel nicht-kovalenter Wechselwirkungen bei der Bildung schaltbarer Nanoteilchen
Gröhn, Franziska
Schmuck, Carsten
Theoretische Untersuchungen der Wechselwirkungen elektromagnetischer Felder einschließlich Laserpulse mit Polymeren und Berechnung der nichtlinearen optischen Eigenschaften von Polymeren
Otto, Peter
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Functional macrocycles for supramolecular recognition in water
Kataev, Evgeny
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Characterization and structure determination of the soluble region of particulate methane monooxygenase homologs from gram-positive bacteria.
Span, Ingrid
Erforschung von Signaltransduktionswegen, die in die Aktivierung von Immediate Early Genes über RhoA und SRF involviert sind
Mühlich, Ph.D., Susanne
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Correlation of three-dimensional and electronic structure of [FeFe] hydrogenases
Birrell, James
Span, Ingrid
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Tuneable supports and geometry effects in SCALMS catalysis
(Project Head
Bachmann, Ph.D., Julien
Completed projects
Macrocyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Covalent-Template Synthesis and Host-Guest Chemistry with Synthetic Carbon Allotropes
(Project Head
Kataev, Evgeny
Supramolekulare Strukturen aus Polyelektrolyt-Farbstoff-Assoziationen
(Project Head
Gröhn, Franziska
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Laserscanning microscope with FRAP module
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1910: Medicinal Chemistry of Selective GPCR Ligands
Gmeiner, Peter