Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Physikalisches Institut
Arbeitsbereich Festkörperphysik
Auf der Morgenstelle 14
72076 Tübingen
This institution in GERiT
72076 Tübingen
Research Grants
Current projects
Integrated Microwave-to-Optical Conversion by Atoms on a superconducting chip
Fortágh, József
Kleiner, Reinhold
Radio-frequency quantum photonics with photon-pressure coupled LC circuits
Bothner, Daniel
Single-photon optomechanics using superconducting quantum interference
Bothner, Daniel
Completed projects
Approaching Superconductor-Cold Atom Hybrid Quantum Circuits
Kleiner, Reinhold
Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 Intrinsic Josephson junctions as coherent THz emitters
Kleiner, Reinhold
Fabrication of Josephson junctions with nano-injectors and investigation of fractional flux quanta.
Goldobin, Edward
Siegel, Michael
Investigation of the intrinsic Josephson effect in high temperature superconductors: Realization of ultrafast atomic scale devices
Kleiner, Reinhold
Laser-Rastermikroskopie bei tiefen Temperaturen und in starken Magnetfeldern
Kleiner, Reinhold
New strategies for the mutual synchronization of very large Josephson junction networks
Kleiner, Reinhold
Paradoxe Antwort- und Fluktuationseffekte in Josephson-Kontakten
Kölle, Dieter
Reimann, Peter
Phasensensitive Tests der Ordnungsparameter-Symmetrie in unkonventionellen Supraleitern auf der Basis des Josephsoneffekts und gebundener Andreev-Zustände
Dahm, Thomas
Kleiner, Reinhold
Ratscheneffekt in supraleitenden Filmen, Josephson-Kontakten und Quanteninterferometern
Kleiner, Reinhold
Semifluxons in ferromagnetic Josephson junctions
Goldobin, Edward
Kohlstedt, Hermann
Terahertz electronics on the atomic scale using intrinsic Josephson junctions in cuprate superconductors
Kleiner, Reinhold
Transport and noise in YBa2Cu307 ramp junctions and 2-dimensional quantum interference filters
Kölle, Dieter
Vortex-Antidot-Wechselwirkung in dünnen Hochtemperatursupraleiterschichten
Gross, Rudolf
Vortex-Antidot-Wechselwirkung in dünnen Hochtemperatursupraleiterschichten
Hübener, Rudolf Peter
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
3He/4He Mischkryostat
Completed projects
Integrated research training group
(Project Heads
Huelga, Susana
Jelezko, Fedor
Kleiner, Reinhold
Löw, Robert
Schleich, Wolfgang
Schmidt-Kaler, Ferdinand
Weis, Jürgen
Tailored 0-Pi Josephson junctions as a macroscopic quantum system
(Project Heads
Goldobin, Edward
Kleiner, Reinhold
Schleich, Wolfgang