Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
Professur für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
und Angewandte Mathematik
01062 Dresden
This institution in GERiT
01062 Dresden
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
A continuum model for heterogeneous nucleation - atomistic simulations on diffusive time scales
Voigt, Axel
Control of nanostructures through electric fields
Voigt, Axel
Surface viscosity in multiphase flow - modeling, numerical analysis and simulations
Voigt, Axel
The Influence of Electric and Magnetic Fields on Microstructure in Multiferroic Composite Materials - a Phase-Field-Crystal Approach
Voigt, Axel
Thermal decay of nanostructures and Ostwald ripening of homoepitaxial monolayers
Voigt, Axel
Research Grants
Completed projects
Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen zur Steigerung der Prozesseffizienz und Schnittkantenqualität beim Inertgasschneiden mit Faserlasern
Beyer, Eckhard
Voigt, Axel
From surface instabilities to nanostructures: numerical investigations
Voigt, Axel
Geometric evolution towards the understanding of biomembranes
Voigt, Axel
Positionally ordered liquid crystals on curved manifolds
Löwen, Hartmut
Voigt, Axel
Research Units
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Voigt, Axel
FOR 3013: Vector- and Tensor-Valued Surface PDEs
Voigt, Axel
Numerical methods for surface fluids
Reusken, Arnold
Voigt, Axel
Ordering and defects on deformable surfaces
Salvalaglio, Marco
Voigt, Axel
Symmetry, length, and tangential constraints
Hardering, Hanne
Praetorius, Simon
Completed projects
Active gels on surfaces
Sbalzarini, Ivo
Voigt, Axel
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Morphologie und Zusammensetzung elektrochemisch abgeschiedener Schichten unter dem Einfluss von Magnetfeldern - Modellierung und Simulation
(Project Heads
Rätz, Andreas
Voigt, Axel
Punktdefekte in Silizium-Kristallen
(Project Heads
Griebel, Michael
Voigt, Axel
The goal of this project is tu understand the macroscopic roughening or coarsening of vrystal films growing by molecular beam epitaxy, based on a hierarchy of models
(Project Heads
Otto, Felix
Voigt, Axel
Completed projects
High-accuracy thermo-elastic simulation on massively parallel computers
(Project Heads
Voigt, Axel
Wensch, Jörg
Mathematical modelling and simulation of bone and implant remodelling in the healthy and diseased bone
(Project Heads
Bobeth, Manfred
Cuniberti, Gianaurelio
Deutsch, Andreas
Marciniak-Czochra, Anna
Voigt, Axel