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Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (IGB)
Abteilung 2: Ökologie der Lebensgemeinschaften und
Müggelseedamm 301
12587 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
12587 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Assessing the role of the hydrographic network structure and connectivity on the South American freshwater fish diversity
Domisch, Sami
Completed projects
Allelopathic effects of submerged macrophytes on phytoplankton: In situ evidence, bacterial influence and new modes of action
Hilt, Sabine
Schmitt-Jansen, Mechthild
Ecological and socioeconomic impacts of climate-induced tree diebacks in highland forests
Mayer, Marius
Monaghan, Michael T.
Müller, Jörg
Extended Experimental Studies of Reactive Halogen Chemistry in the Polar Troposphere (HALOPOLE III)
Frieß, Udo
Influence of environmental factors onto the hydrogen isotopic signature of aquatic plants.
Aichner, Bernhard
Integrating effects of chytrid parasitism into carbon flows in pelagic food webs
Agha, Ph.D., Ramsy
Mismatch between periphyton and macrophyte development in spring: crucial for submerged macrophyte recolonization in eutrophic shallow lakes?
Hilt, Sabine
Niche evolution of Tibetan-Himalayan Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera) II: Comparative Phylogeography and Niche Differentiation of Alpine/Subalpine Himalopsyche of the Himalayan/QTP Region
Domisch, Sami
Jähnig, Sonja
Pauls, Steffen U.
Palaeoclimatology of Central Asia and the northeastern Tibetan Plateau on basis of compound-specific isotope analysis of biomarkers.
Aichner, Bernhard
Regime shifts in freshwater ecosystems exposed to multiple stressors by increasing temperature, fertilizers and pesticides
Hilt, Sabine
Schmitt-Jansen, Mechthild
Stibor, Herwig
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Assessing the threats of climate change to the distribution and functional diversity of a continental freshwater fish assemblage
Domisch, Sami
Research Units
Current projects
Endophytes and local adaptation modulate aquatic plant responses to warming and anoxia stress
Hilt, Sabine
Reusch, Ph.D., Thorsten
FOR 5026: Integrating insect immunity, microbiota and pathogens
Rolff, Jens
FOR 5640: Physiological and Evolutionary Adaptation of Plants to Co-occurring Abiotic and Biotic Challenges
Holtgrewe-Stukenbrock, Ph.D., Eva
Host immunological control of the gut microbiota during pupation
Monaghan, Michael T.
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 2032: Urban Water Interfaces (UWI)
Hinkelmann, Reinhard
Additional Information
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