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Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Lehrstuhl für Verhaltensphysiologie und Soziobiologie (Zoologie II)
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
This institution in GERiT
97074 Würzburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Drivers of flower colour polymorphism in anemones along environmental gradients
Spaethe, Johannes
Effects of land use on resource partitioning and foraging neuroecology in four honey bee species in India
Scheiner-Pietsch, Ricarda
Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf
Functional analysis of circadian clock genes in honey bee time-place learning
Beer, Katharina
The molecular mechanisms underlying local adaptation to high elevation habitats in the honey bee Apis mellifera
Hasselmann, Martin
Scheiner-Pietsch, Ricarda
Completed projects
Analysis of structural plasticity in microglomerular synaptic circuits of the honeybee mushroom-bodies after sensory experience
Groh-Baumann, Claudia
Die Bienenwabe als mechanischer Kommunikationskanal
Tautz, Jürgen
Die Rolle von biogenen Aminen bei der Altersabhängigkeit von Lernen und Gedächtnis in Honigbienen
Scheiner-Pietsch, Ricarda
Functions of the cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) in honey bee division of labor
Scheiner-Pietsch, Ricarda
Nutrition-related regulation of the nurse-forager transition in honeybees
Scheiner-Pietsch, Ricarda
Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf
Species-specific perceptional hierarchies underlying the detection of nutritional and non-nutritional compounds in pollen collected by bees
Leonhardt, Sara Diana
Spaethe, Johannes
Sugar receptors in the honeybee
Scheiner-Pietsch, Ricarda
The ontogeny of navigation in Cataglyphis ants
Rössler, Wolfgang
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5424: Modulation of olfaction: how recurrent circuits govern state-dependent behaviour
Egger, Veronica
Modulation of olfaction by recurrent centrifugal connections after olfactory-visual convergence in the honeybee
Rössler, Wolfgang
Strube-Bloss, Martin Fritz
Completed projects
Functional dissociation of octopamine and tyramine receptors in regulationg honey bee division of labour
Scheiner-Pietsch, Ricarda
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Neural representation of insect spatial memory
Beetz, Jerome
Completed projects
Encoding a time-compensated sun compass
El Jundi, Basil
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Blattschneiderameisen als Baumeister: Entstehung komplexer Nestarchitekturen und die Kontrolle des Nestklimas.
(Project Head
Roces, Flavio
Blattschneiderameisen: Pflanzenqualität und die Maximierung der Wachstumsrate des symbiontischen Pilzes
(Project Heads
Hölldobler, Bert
Roces, Flavio
Developmental timing mechanisms during the formation of the compound eye in the honeybee worker, queen and drone
(Project Head
Spaethe, Johannes
Glomeruläre Organisationsprinzipien synaptischer Interaktionen im Bulbus Olfaktorius
(Project Head
Rössler, Wolfgang
Informationsfluß im Dienste der Kolonieorganisation - Emergentes Verhalten im Superorganismus
(Project Heads
Hölldobler, Bert
Klügl, Franziska
Puppe, Frank
Tautz, Jürgen
Molekulare und verhaltensphysiologische Analyse von Interaktionen der Honigbiene und pathogenen Organismen
(Project Heads
Müller, Martin J.
Tautz, Jürgen
Nestmaterialien als Träger von Kommunikationssignalen bei sozialen Bienen
(Project Heads
Riederer, Markus
Tautz, Jürgen
Neuronal basis of orientation in time and space in Cataglyphis ants
(Project Heads
Rössler, Wolfgang
Wehner, Rüdiger
Neuronale Plastizität im Gehirn sozialer Hymenopteren: Mechanismen und Bedeutung für Polyethismus
(Project Head
Rössler, Wolfgang
Neuronale Repräsentation und Verarbeitung chemischer Kommunikationssignale im Gehirn von Ameisen
(Project Heads
Hölldobler, Bert
Kleineidam, Christoph
Rössler, Wolfgang
Regelung des Nektarsammelns in Ameisensozietäten: Individuelle und kollektive Effizienz
(Project Head
Roces, Flavio
SFB 554: Mechanisms and Evolution of Arthropod Behavior: Brain - Individual - Social Group
Heisenberg, Martin
Rössler, Wolfgang
Timing decisions in ant colonies: information management, social synchronization, and the determinants of task-related circadian patterns
(Project Head
Roces, Flavio
Timing of behavioural transitions and sensory preferences in Camponotus ants
(Project Head
Groh-Baumann, Claudia
Untersuchung der Interaktion von Bienen und extrafloralen Nektarien der Pappel
(Project Heads
Ache, Peter
Tautz, Jürgen
Wachs als Baumaterial des Bienennestes: Kontextabhängige Produktion und Eigenschaften des Wachses und dessen Bedeutung für die Wärmeregulation des Nestes
(Project Heads
Riederer, Markus
Tautz, Jürgen
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Plasticity of microcircuits in the mushroom body calyx of insects
Groh-Baumann, Claudia
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Functions of the cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) in honey bee division of labor
Scheiner-Pietsch, Ricarda
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Integrative analysis of multiple pathways in the honeybee olfactory system
Galizia, Giovanni
Rössler, Wolfgang
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Konfokalmikroskopsystem mit Multiphotonenlaser
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 200: Fundamentals of Arthropod-Behavior: Genetics, Neurobiology, Ecology
Tautz, Jürgen
GRK 723: Spatio-Temporal Signal Processes in Neurons and Cellular Biophysics
Schild, Detlev
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
High resolution Imaging Mass Spectrometry (IMS) of neuropeptides in dynamic systems
Predel, Reinhard
Additional Information
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