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Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Medizinische Fakultät
Institut für Physiologie II
Nussallee 11
53115 Bonn
This institution in GERiT
53115 Bonn
Research Grants
Current projects
Metabolic underpinnings of age-dependent cognitive and neural circuit decline in Drosophila
Grunwald Kadow, Ilona
Completed projects
Aktivitätsabhängige Veränderungen synaptischer Übertragung als Ursache und Folge epileptiformer Aktivität in einem einfachen neuronalen Netzwerk
Swandulla, Dieter
Angeborene Immunabwehr und septische Kardiomyopathie: Die Bedeutung des Toll-like-Rezeptors-4 für die myokardiale Kontraktilität
Baumgarten, Georg
Differentielle Regulation der angeborenen Immunabwehr in einem myokardialen Second-Hit Modell
Baumgarten, Georg
Effects of synaptic adhesion molecules on the survival of adult born granule cells in the dentate gyrus
Stein, Valentin
Funktionelle Analyse der Muskel-Zytoskelett Proteine Xin und XIRP2
Fürst, Dieter O.
Neural circuit and molecular mechanisms underpinning mating state-dependent choice behavior in Drosophila females
Grunwald Kadow, Ilona
Presynaptic tethers: molecular composition and functional role
Lucic, Vladan
Schoch McGovern, Susanne
Stein, Valentin
Untersuchung des spannungsabhängigen Chloridkanals CIC-2 in Neuronen - Ursache für Epilepsie?
Stein, Valentin
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Identification of conserved circuit logic in temperature navigation behavior in fish and fly
Grunwald Kadow, Ilona
Portugues, Ruben
Completed projects
Elektrophysiologische Analyse von Glycinrezeptormutanten der Maus und möglicher Kompensationsmechanismen der pathologischen glycinergen Transmission
Swandulla, Dieter
Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Molecular basis of specification and connectivity of sensory neurons in the olfactory system of Drosophila melanogaster
Grunwald Kadow, Ilona
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2705: Dissection of a Brain Circuit: Structure, Plasticity and Behavioral Function of the Drosophila mushroom body
Fiala, André
FOR 5424: Modulation of olfaction: how recurrent circuits govern state-dependent behaviour
Egger, Veronica
Molecular and cellular mechanisms of oestrus state-dependent odour valence modulation
Cichy, Annika
Recurrent connections between higher olfactory brain areas and their role in mating state-dependent behaviour in Drosophila
Grunwald Kadow, Ilona
TP3 - Infection and behavior: The role of the mushroom body, AMPs and octopamine in brain-body communication
Grunwald Kadow, Ilona
Emmy Noether International Fellowships
Completed projects
Regulation von AMPA-Rezeptoren in der Synapse und deren Interaktion mit Stargazin
Stein, Valentin
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Synergistic effects of a high-salt diet (HSD) and chronic psychological stress on antibacterial immune responses
(Project Heads
Gellner, Anne-Kathrin
Kurts, Christian
Completed projects
Mechanismen der Kontrolle und Regulation magnecellulärer Neurone des Hypothalamus der Ratte und ihre mögliche Bedeutung für die Schmerzverarbeitung
(Project Heads
Goppelt-Strübe, Margarete
Swandulla, Dieter
Value-coding of dopamine neuron populations in olfactory processing
(Project Head
Grunwald Kadow, Ilona
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Genetic dissection of olfactory inputs that mediate aversive responses.
Cichy, Annika
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Hochsensitives Mikroskop für geklärtes Gewebe
Multiphoton microscope
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 246: Pathogenesis of Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Propping, Peter
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 82: Graduate School Of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN-LMU)
Grothe, Benedikt
Additional Information
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