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Technische Universität Dresden
Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfaed)
01062 Dresden
This institution in GERiT
01062 Dresden
Research Grants
Current projects
Atomically resolved EMCD on ferrimagnets measured with electron vortex beams
Pohl, Darius
Compiler Optimizations for RTM-based computing systems
Castrillon-Mazo, Jeronimo
Developing pinMOS towards dual channel electrical and optical memory
Mannsfeld, Stefan
Interferences in Design Methodology for High-performance Multi-Core Platforms
Castrillon-Mazo, Jeronimo
Saidi, Ph.D., Selma
Molecular Rotors and Switches between Thermal and Electronic Excitation
Lissel, Franziska
Moresco, Francesca
Completed projects
On-surface synthesis of higher acenes beyond undecacene: Evolution of conductance and electronic states
Moresco, Francesca
OpenPME: Open Particle Mesh Environment for Systems Biology
Castrillon-Mazo, Jeronimo
Sbalzarini, Ivo
Record-High Organic Device Performance enabled by Polymorphism in Organic Semiconductors
Mannsfeld, Stefan
Ortmann, Frank
TraceSymm: Trace analysis and Symmetry theory for improved application mapping onto manycores
Castrillon-Mazo, Jeronimo
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Balancing computations in in-memory nonvolatile heterogeneous systems
Castrillon-Mazo, Jeronimo
Magneto-Transport at Work: In-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy of Topological Spin Solitons
Pohl, Darius
Rellinghaus, Bernd
Completed projects
High-frequency modeling and characterization of printed organic crystalline transistors
Mannsfeld, Stefan
Schröter, Michael
Organic Memcapacitors for Large-Area, Neuromorphic Pattern Recognition: Development of an Electronic Trap System (MemTrap)
Boroujeni, Bahman K.
Ellinger, Frank
Mannsfeld, Stefan
Solution-Processed, Air-stable, and High-Cutoff Frequency Organic Transistors for Wireless Communication Systems
Mannsfeld, Stefan
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Design and Architecture for Racetrack based Hybrid Memory Systems
Hameed, Fazal
Herstellung ausgedehnter Felder von Transistoren auf Basis organischer Einkristalle
Mannsfeld, Stefan
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Atomically Precise Single-Layer 2D Conjugated Polymer Frameworks Studied by LT-STM
(Project Head
Moresco, Francesca
Atomstrahlbeugungs- und Tieftemperatur-Rastertunnelmikroskopie-Untersuchungen an Oxidoberflächen und dünnen Oxidfilmen
(Project Heads
Moresco, Francesca
Rieder, Karl-Heinz
Theis, Wolfgang Karl Philipp
Languages and Compilers for Energy-Efficient Programming
(Project Head
Castrillon-Mazo, Jeronimo
Current projects
System Models, Architectures, and Application Mapping Tools
(Project Heads
Castrillon-Mazo, Jeronimo
Leupers, Ph.D., Rainer
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1907: RoSI: Role-based Software-Infrastructures for Continuous-Context-Sensitive Systems
Lehner, Wolfgang
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1056: Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfAED)
Fettweis, Gerhard P.
Additional Information
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