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Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
Zentrum für experimentelle Medizin
Institut für Biochemie und Molekulare Zellbiologie
Martinistraße 52
20251 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
20251 Hamburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Impact of calcium and adenine nucleotide signaling on education and functionality of NK cells
Altfeld, Marcus
Diercks, Bjoern-Philipp
Influence of cold-induced energy expenditure on bone remodeling
Heeren, Jörg
Schinke, Ph.D., Thorsten
Completed projects
Apolipoprotein A5: Funktion im Fettstoffwechsel und Bedeutung bei der Entstehung der Arteriosklerose
Merkel, Martin
Bedeutung der Apolipoprotein E-Isoformen im Chylomikronen Stoffwechsel
Heeren, Jörg
Intrazelluläre Konsequenzen der Chylomikronen Remnant Aufnahme
Beisiegel, Ulrike
Mechanismen der Regulation der freien intrazellulären Ca2+-Konzentration durch Ca2+-Freisetzung und Ca2+-Einstrom in aktivierten T-Lymphozyten
Guse, Andreas H.
Molekulare Mechanismen der Aktivierung humaner Monozyten durch Lipopolysaccharid
Hauschildt, Sunna
Molekulare Wirkorte des Calcium-mobilisierenden Second Messengers cyclic ADP-ribose in T-Lymphocyten und Fibroblasten
Guse, Andreas H.
Nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP): A calcium mobilizing second-messenger in T-lymphocytes
Guse, Andreas H.
Role of the purine nucleotide messengers cyclic ADP-ribose and ADP-ribose in T-lymphocyte biology
Guse, Andreas H.
Ryanodine receptors and NAADP in T cell biology
Flügel, Alexander
Guse, Andreas H.
The contribution of brown and BRITE adipocytes to adaptive thermogenesis and body weight regulation
Klingenspor, Martin
The role of ChREBP-dependent de novo lipogenesis in metabolic and thermogenic activities of brown and white adipose tissue
Scheja, Ludger
The role of the nucleotide-gated cation channels P2X7 and TRPM2 for TCR signalling
Guse, Andreas H.
Haag, Friedrich
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5705: NeuroFlame – Defence and demise of inflamed neurons
Friese, Manuel A.
Neuronal NAADP signalling during neuroinflammation
Freichel, Marc
Guse, Andreas H.
Completed projects
Analyse von DNA-Polymorphismen ausgewählter Kandidatengene bei der nicht-monogenen Form der Alzheimer-Demenz. Zentrale Datenbank und Gewebeproben-Ressourcen-Zentrum
Gal, Andreas
Apolipoprotein E, Lipide und Lipidperoxidation in der Pathogenese der Alzheimer Demenz
Beisiegel, Ulrike
FOR 267: Molekulare Pathomechanismen der Alzheimer-Demenz
Beisiegel, Ulrike
Molekulare Pathomechanismen der Alzheimer-Demenz
Nitsch, Roger
Role of Ca2+ mobilizing second messenger NAADP in local and global Ca2+ signalling in mouse cardiac myocytes
Guse, Andreas H.
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
The role of immuno-metabolic networks for obesity associated diseases
Heeren, Jörg
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
KFO 5029: Precision Medicine for Early-Onset Low Bone Mineral Density Disorders
Amling, Michael
Molecular analysis of the bidirectional crosstalk between bone and lipid metabolism
Heeren, Jörg
Completed projects
Gut bacteria-derived Metabolites and their Impact on the Pathogenesis of Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Heeren, Jörg
KFO 306: Primär Sklerosierende Cholangitis
Lohse, Ansgar W.
Heisenberg Grants
Completed projects
Role of immunometabolic networks for obesity-associated diseases
Heeren, Jörg
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Adenine nucleotide control of dendritic cell migration
(Project Head
Sáez, Pablo
Dictating hepatic immune responses through bile acid-scavenging macrophages
(Project Heads
Bosurgi, Ph.D., Lidia
Worthmann, Anna
Dynamic architecture of Ca2+ microdomains in T cells: disentangling contribution of adenine nucleotides, Ca2+ release and Ca2+ entry
(Project Heads
Diercks, Bjoern-Philipp
Werner, René
Wolf, Insa
Impact of purinergic signaling on epithelial cell-adipocyte crosstalk in intestinal inflammation and fibrosis in Crohn’s Disease
(Project Heads
Bunders, Ph.D., Madeleine
Worthmann, Anna
Management and coordination of the CRC
(Project Head
Guse, Andreas H.
Purinergic receptors in adipose tissue inflammation and adaptive thermogenesis
(Project Heads
Heeren, Jörg
Koch-Nolte, Friedrich
Ryanodine receptors and NAADP in T cell biology
(Project Heads
Flügel, Alexander
Guse, Andreas H.
SFB 1328: Adenine Nucleotides in Immunity and Inflammation
Guse, Andreas H.
Completed projects
Harnessing hepatic tolerance mechanisms for antigen-specific treatment of autoimmune and allergic diseases
(Project Heads
Carambia, Antonella
Heeren, Jörg
Herkel, Johannes
Rolle von Lipoproteinen und deren Rezeptoren in der Entwicklung des zentralen Nervensystems
(Project Head
Beisiegel, Ulrike
The role of anti-inflammatory bile acids for the development and progression of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
(Project Head
Heeren, Jörg
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Interactions of hydrophobic and hydrophilic semiconductor quantum dots with cell model systems for liver and adipose tissue (NANOFATE)
Eychmüller, Alexander
Heeren, Jörg
Nielsen, Peter
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Completed projects
Open Access Publishing 2016 - 2017 / University of Göttingen
Beisiegel, Ulrike
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Konfokales Laserscanning-Mikroskop
Spinning Disk Microscope
Current projects
Intestinal metabolites and their impact on thermogenic responses by brown and white adipose tissues
(Project Heads
Heeren, Jörg
Schwinge, Dorothee
Module Integrated Research Training Group (iRTG)
(Project Heads
Fenske, Wiebke Kristin
Klingenspor, Martin
Worthmann, Anna
Regulation of energy metabolism in brown fat through lipid uptake and lipid processing in adipose tissue macrophages
(Project Heads
Bosurgi, Ph.D., Lidia
Worthmann, Anna
Relevance of endothelial lipoprotein processing for thermogenic adipose tissue plasticity and function
(Project Head
Heeren, Jörg
The role of ChREBP-dependent de novo lipogenesis in metabolic and thermogenic activities of brown and white adipose tissue
(Project Head
Scheja, Ludger
WBP Return Grant
Current projects
Straub, Leon
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 336: Molecular Endocrinology - Molecular Metabolism
Seitz, Hans-Joachim
GRK 1459: Sorting and Interactions Between Proteins of Subcellular Compartments
Braulke, Thomas
Additional Information
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