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Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Physikalisches Institut
Lehrstuhl für Technische Physik
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
This institution in GERiT
97074 Würzburg
Research Grants
Current projects
An integrated semiconductor platform for the implementation and study of higher-order exceptional points
Klembt, Sebastian
Wiersig, Jan
Bloch oscillations of exciton-polaritons in topological lattices
Klembt, Sebastian
Peschel, Ulf
Collective quantum transport and light-assisted superconductivity
Höfling, Sven
Construction and manipulation of topological insulators from III-V heterostructures
Höfling, Sven
Electrically driven, topological exciton-polariton laser
Klembt, Sebastian
Schneider, Christian
Fibre-Coupled GaSb Quantum Dot Tunable Single-Photon Sources for Field Deployed Quantum Key Distribution
Huber-Loyola, Tobias
On-chip microlaser driven sources of indistinguishable photons for quantum networks
Huber-Loyola, Tobias
Reitzenstein, Stephan
Completed projects
Bloch Oscillations and Zener Tunneling of Exciton Polariton Condensates in One- and Two-dimensional Lattices
Klembt, Sebastian
Peschel, Ulf
Dynamik optischer und elektronischer Anregungen und nichtlineare optische Effekte in Halbleitermikroresonatoren mit dreidimensionalem Einschluß
Bayer, Manfred
Feinstruktur von Exzitonen und Multiexzitonen in selbstorganisierten Quantenpunkten und Quantenpunktmolekülen
Forchel, Alfred
Generation of complex multi-photon states in miniaturized semiconductor based quantum devices
Höfling, Sven
Michler, Peter
Reitzenstein, Stephan
Hybrid organic-inorganic semiconductor polariton condensates and transistors
Höfling, Sven
Influence of acoustic phonons on the exciton-biexciton-dynamics in quantum dots and quantum dot - microcavity systems
Axt, Vollrath Martin
Reitzenstein, Stephan
Light-matter interaction of Exciton Polaritons at Telecommunication Wavelengths (LIEPOLATE)
Kamp, Martin
Long wavelength GaInNAs Quantum Wells and Quantum Dots for GaAs based lasers up to 1.6 µm
Forchel, Alfred
Polariton-based single-photon sources
Schneider, Christian
Resonanz-Fluoreszenz in kohärent gekoppelten Quantenpunkt-Mikrosäulenresonatoren
Kamp, Martin
Reitzenstein, Stephan
Single quantum dot based lasers
Forchel, Alfred
Single quantum dot lasers and coupled cavity arrays
Gies, Christopher
Kamp, Martin
Reitzenstein, Stephan
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Dispersive properties of photonic crystal waveguides
Kamp, Martin
Fabrication and characterization of quasi two-dimensional photonic crystal structures with tunable optical properties
Reithmaier, Johann Peter
Herstellung und Charakterisierung von stark gekrümmten Wellenleitern auf der Basis von zweidimensional angeordneten periodischen Strukturen
Reithmaier, Johann Peter
InAs/GaSb/AlSB 2D topological insulator materials and devices
Kamp, Martin
Kohärente Spektroskopie an InGaAs(GaAs Quantendraht- und Quantenfilmstrukturen
Forchel, Alfred
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Epitaxy and magnetotransport studies of heterostructures based on V-VI compound topological insulators
(Project Heads
Brunner, Karl
Gould, Charles
Kamp, Martin
Completed projects
Advanced nanoscale characterization and fabrication
(Project Heads
Bode, Matthias
Kamp, Martin
Kleinlein, Johannes
II-VI Mikroresonatoren mit dreidimensionalem optischen Einschluss
(Project Head
Forchel, Alfred
Infrarotspektroskopie an II-VI-Halbleiterschichtstrukturen
(Project Head
Batke, Edwin
Lateralstrukturierung gekoppelter Quantenpunke in II-VI Strukturen
(Project Heads
Forchel, Alfred
Worschech, Lukas
Research Units
Completed projects
Fabrication and Characterization of Semiconductor Structures for Quantum-Optical Studies
Forchel, Alfred
FOR 1162: Electron Correlation-Driven Phenomena in Surfaces and Interfaces with Tunable Interactions
Claessen, Ralph
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Dual Beam Focused Ion Beam - Electron Beam System
Streak camera with laser system
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Completed projects
Open Access Publishing 2017 - 2018 / University of Würzburg
Forchel, Alfred
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2147: Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter (CT.QMAT)
Claessen, Ralph
Vojta, Matthias
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
NFDI4Chem – Chemistry Consortium in the NFDI
Steinbeck, Christoph
Additional Information
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