Universität Bayreuth
Fachgruppe Chemie
Arbeitsgruppe Biochemie IV
Universitätsstraße 30
95447 Bayreuth
This institution in GERiT
95447 Bayreuth
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Molekulare Grundlagen der spezifischen homo- und heteromolekularen Proteinassoziation: Die strukturelle Charakterisierung von SAM Domänen
Schärpf, Manuela
Research Grants
Current projects
Deciphering the structural basis of translation initiation regulation
Hennig, Janosch
Exploring the structure and function of PR-10 pollen and food allergens and their physiological ligands
Wöhrl, Birgitta Maria
Structural basis of dsRNA unwinding by essential RNA helicases MLE/DHX9 and their co-factors
Hennig, Janosch
Towards understanding the link between TRIM25’s RNA binding and antiviral activity
Hennig, Janosch
Mahamid, Ph.D., Julia
Completed projects
Fluorescence Spectroscopy Investigation of the Enzymatic Mechanism of Phytochelatin Synthase, an Enzyme Able to Cleave and Form Peptide Bond
Bombarda, Elisa
Foamy Virus Replication: Structure-function analysis of viral enzymes involved in generating genetic diversity or in conserving the genome
Bodem, Jochen
Wöhrl, Birgitta Maria
How transcription factors regulate bacterial RNA polymerase activity
Rösch, Paul
Molekularbiologische, biochemische und biophysikalische Charakterisierung der Reversen Transkriptase von Rous Sarcoma-Virus
Wöhrl, Birgitta Maria
Structural Basis of Antitermination by the E. coli Phages lambda and HK022
Rösch, Paul
Wahl, Markus C.
Strukturelle Untersuchungen am (Uro-)Guanylin/Guanylatcyclase-C System zur Charakterisierung von Peptidhormon/Rezeptor-Wechselwirkungen
Rösch, Paul
Strukturen von Proteinen mit basischer Nukleinsäure-Bindungsdomäne und ihrer Komplexe in Lösung
Rösch, Paul
The solution structure of protein-protein and protein-nucleic complexes
Rösch, Paul
Transcription in E. coli: Structural Basis of Nus-Factor Dependent Regulation
Rösch, Paul
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Structural biology of the mRNA interactome and TRIM proteins
Hennig, Janosch
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Mechanisms of biomolecular condensation in bacterial ribosomal RNA transcription
Duss, Ph.D., Olivier
Hennig, Janosch
Mahamid, Ph.D., Julia
Completed projects
Tropomyosin 1 and End-binding protein 1 in mRNA transport
Ephrussi, Ph.D., Anne
Hennig, Janosch
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Antiterminationskomplexe aus Retroviren - Struktur und funktionelle Inhibition
(Project Heads
Rösch, Paul
Wöhrl, Birgitta Maria
Struktur und Dynamik von Proteinen aus Lymphoproliferation und Immundefizienz
(Project Heads
Dobbek, Holger
Rösch, Paul
Schwarzinger, Stephan
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Konsole für 800 MHz-NMR-Spektrometer