Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
Department Chirurgie
Klinik für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin
Hugstetter Straße 55
79106 Freiburg
This institution in GERiT
79106 Freiburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Hyper-protective mechanical ventilation by gas exchange-optimizing ventilation profiles
Schumann, Stefan
Modulation of inflammation, tissue repair and extracellular matrix remodelling by the time course of ventilation profile – Evaluation of the effects in lung cell monolayers, co-cultures and air-liquid interface cultures in vitro and in a rat model of ARDS in vivo
Spassov, Sashko
Completed projects
Characterizing the role of myeloid-specific heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) in the regulation of circadian rhythmicity, neuroinflammation and neuronal injury following brain trauma
Heiland, Dieter-Henrik
Schallner, Nils
Closed-loop flow-control of the expiration for assisted spontaneous breathing - FLEX-ASB
Schumann, Stefan
Influence of inspiratory and expiratory ventilation patterns on ventilatory associated lung injury
Schumann, Stefan
Ischämie und Reperfusion der Lunge während kardiopulmonalem Bypass als Ursache für eine systemische Entzündungsreaktion
Schlensak, Christian
Maintenance of diaphragmatic muscle force during controlled mechanical ventilation by electro-magnetic stimulation - Investigations in an ex vivo model of the rat diaphragm and in vivo.
Schumann, Stefan
Organprotektion durch Kohlenmonoxid und Dihydrogensulfid im beatmungsassoziierten Lungenschaden
Hötzel, Alexander
Personalized antibiotherapy: development and evaluation of a microfluidic biosensor platform for non-invasive, multianalyte on-site diagnostics
Dincer, Can
Schumann, Stefan
Urban, Gerald A.
Weber, Wilfried
Quantitative Analyse der mechanischen Eigenschaften pulmonaler Zellkulturen am Modell einer künstlichen zweischichtigen Atemwegswand
Guttmann, Josef
Regulation der Hämoxygenase-1-Induktion durch volatile Anästhetika und Relevanz für die Integrität der Leber nach Ischämie und Reperfusion
Pannen, Benedikt
The Role of Heme Oxygenase 1 and Carbon Monoxide in Erythrophagocytosis
Schallner, Nils
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Mechanismus der antiapoptotischen Wirkung von Kohlenmonoxid nach Ischämie / Reperfusion in der Lunge
Hötzel, Alexander
The influence of tissue-specific heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) deficiency on neuronal damage induced by subarachnoid hemorrhage in mice: the role of carbon monoxide (CO)
Schallner, Nils