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Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung
01062 Dresden
This institution in GERiT
01062 Dresden
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Optical 3D measurement techniques for generation, revision and monitoring of digital twins of complex building structures
Maas, Hans-Gerd
Completed projects
3-D PTV for quantitatif determination of Lagrange particle trajectories in fluid flows
Grundmann, Roger
Tomo-PTV zur simultanen Bestimmung von 3D-Geschwindigkeitsfeldern und 3D-Partikeltrajektorien in Gas- und Flüssigkeitsströmungen
Maas, Hans-Gerd
Turbulente Austauschprozesse zwischen Waldflächen und der Atmosphäre
Bernhofer, Christian
Maas, Hans-Gerd
Stiller, Jörg
Research Grants
Current projects
AI4Glaciers: AI-Enabled Prediction of Glacial Calving based on 4D Real-Time Multi-Sensor Monitoring (AI4G)
Eltner, Anette
Development of a comprehensive model for concurrent water surface and bottom reconstruction in photo bathymetry (PhotoBathyWave)
Maas, Hans-Gerd
Effective methods for assessing vegetation structure and change from multi-echo and full-waveform laser scanner data of terrestrial LiDAR systems
Bienert, Anne
Maas, Hans-Gerd
Integration and simultaneous estimation of kinematic parameters in multi-view image matching of dynamic processes
Luhmann, Thomas
PhenoFeedBacks – Biophysical impacts and feedbacks of plant phenological changes
Forkel, Matthias
Winkler, Alexander J.
RECent Changes in NOrthern VEgetation CaRbon CYcling - RECOVERY
Buermann, Wolfgang
Forkel, Matthias
Thonicke, Kirsten
Completed projects
3-D PTV zur quantitativen Bestimmung Lagrange`scher Partikeltrajektion in Gasströmungen
Maas, Hans-Gerd
Analysis of diversity effects on above-ground productivity in forests: advancing the mechanistic understanding of spatio-temporal dynamics in canopy space filling using mobile laser scanning
Maas, Hans-Gerd
von Oheimb, Goddert
Bestimmung und Analyse hochaufgelöster Bewegungsfelder von Gletscherfronten im Bereich der Diskobucht/Westgrönland als Beitrag zum IPY-Projekt MARGINS
Dietrich, Reinhard
Maas, Hans-Gerd
Bodenerosion in den Mergellandschaften Andalusiens - Hochauflösende Detektion und Modellierung langfristiger Geländeveränderungen
Faust, Dominik
Maas, Hans-Gerd
Development of a model for strict handling of refraction in airborne lidar bathymetry
Maas, Hans-Gerd
Glacier margin change monitoring on the basis of multi-temporal 3D point clouds
Maas, Hans-Gerd
Integrierte Georeferenzierung für bildgebende Systeme mit sequentieller Datenakquisition
Maas, Hans-Gerd
Multisensorielle Methoden zur Rekonstruktion der dreidimensionalen Waldstruktur
Maas, Hans-Gerd
Panferov, Oleg
Wagner, Sven
Photogrammetric high resolution methods for nested parametrisation and validation of a physical-based soil erosion model
Eltner, Anette
Zech, Roland
Photogrammetrische Konzepte virtueller GLOF-Monitoring Pegel
Maas, Hans-Gerd
Reflektive Optiken für breitbandige photogrammetrische Messsysteme
Maas, Hans-Gerd
Strict geometric modelling concepts for underwater laser triangulation
Maas, Hans-Gerd
Tomographic approaches for airborne lidar bathymetry data processing
Maas, Hans-Gerd
Verbesserung der Diagnostik von Waldökosystemen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung strahlungsökologischer Fragen in Verbindung mit digitaler hemisphärischer Fotografie
Wagner, Sven
Volumetric forest structure reconstruction from full-waveform airborne laser scanner data
Maas, Hans-Gerd
Scientific Networks
Completed projects
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Environmental Sciences – Principles, Developments, and Applications
Eltner, Anette
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Ditgital Photogrammetric Techniques for Measuring Deformation, Cracks and Structural Changes During Load Tests of Textile Reinforced Test Objects
(Project Head
Maas, Hans-Gerd
Zerstörungsfreie bildgebende Verfahren (Computertomographie) und voxelbasierende Bildanalyse zur Bewertung der mechanischen Eigenschaften von Proben textilbewehrter Bauwerke
(Project Head
Maas, Hans-Gerd
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Untersuchung gezeiteninduzierter Variationen der Ausflussgeschwindigkeit am Jakobshavn Isbrae, Grönland
Dietrich, Reinhard
Current projects
(Project Heads
Eltner, Anette
Klinkel, Sven
Maas, Hans-Gerd
Voxel data analysis – development of algorithms for segmentation and crack detection of computed tomography data
(Project Heads
Eltner, Anette
Maas, Hans-Gerd
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2250: Mineral-bonded composites for enhanced structural impact safety
Mechtcherine, Viktor
GRK 2947: Technological & Operational Integration of highly automated Air Transport in Urban Areas
Fricke, Hartmut
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2050: Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop (CeTI)
Fitzek, Frank Hanns Paul
Li, Ph.D., Shu-Chen
Strufe, Thorsten
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