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Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Bodenkunde und Standortslehre
Pienner Straße 19
01737 Tharandt
This institution in GERiT
01737 Tharandt
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Quantification, modeling, and regionalization of seepage losses of phosphorus from forest soils
Breuer, Lutz
Julich, Dorit
Stabilisierung gelöster organischer Substanz in Böden durch Ausfällung mit Aluminium
Kalbitz, Karsten
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5000: Biotic interactions, community assembly, and eco-evolutionary dynamics as drivers of long-term biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships
Eisenhauer, Nico
SP07: Soil multistability
Cesarz, Simone
Eisenhauer, Nico
Vogel, Cordula
Completed projects
Bodenatmung, mikrobielle Respiration und Mineralisation in Böden der montanen Regenwaldregion Süd-Ecuadors: Einfluß von Meereshöhe und Nutzung
Makeschin, Franz
Cryptogam diversity of Purdiaea nutans forest of Southern Ecuador as dependent from soil, climate and vegetation structure
Makeschin, Franz
Cryptogamic plant diversity of the Purdiaea nutans in Southern Ecuador and its relationship to soil, climate and vegetation structure
Gradstein, Stephan Robbert
Development of an agroforestry site classification model
Makeschin, Franz
Entwicklung eines agroforstlichen Standortklassifikationsmodells in der südecuadorianischen Bergregenwaldregion als Grundlage zur nachhaltigen Landnutzungsplanung
Makeschin, Franz
FOR 1806: The Forgotten Part of Carbon Cycling: Organic Matter Storage and Turnover in Subsoils (SUBSOM)
Marschner, Bernd
Interactions of organic matter and microbial dynamics in pasture soils along management chronosequences
Hamer, Ute
Origin and fate of dissolved organic matter in the subsoil driven by dynamic exchange and remobilization processes
Guggenberger, Georg
Kalbitz, Karsten
Mikutta, Robert
Production and stabilization of dissolved organic matter in paddy soils depending on redox conditions
Kalbitz, Karsten
Research Grants
Current projects
Decoupling above- from belowground litter decomposition and impacts on stabilization of soil organic matter with increasing aridity
Kalbitz, Karsten
Schrumpf, Marion
Vogel, Cordula
Linking soil erosion dynamics with identification of source areas and stratigraphic-geochemical sediment core analysis for deciphering the impact of land-use change in the watershed of a drinking water reservoir in Central Kenya
Feger, Karl-Heinz
Julich, Stefan
Linking the composition of dissolved organic matter and nutrient cycling in streams of temperate forested catchments
Kalbitz, Karsten
Spatial patterns of organic matter formation in subsoil: Formation of mineral-associated organic matter
Guggenberger, Georg
Kalbitz, Karsten
Mikutta, Robert
Completed projects
Archaeological and multiproxy studies on the land use-history of the Southern Black-Forest
Bräuning, Andrea
Feger, Karl-Heinz
Rösch, Manfred
Blattlausinduzierte Prozesskaskaden im Kronenraum von Laub- und Nadelbäumen unter erhöhten CO2-Konzentrationen
Kalbitz, Karsten
Development of models to predict land-use-induced soil pore-space changes and their hydrological impacts
Feger, Karl-Heinz
Schwärzel, Kai
Extracellular polymeric substances and aggregate stability - how microorganisms affect soil erosion by water
Kalbitz, Karsten
Smalla, Kornelia
How silicon affects phosphate availability and carbon turnover in soils
Kalbitz, Karsten
Obst, Martin
Schaller, Jörg
Ligninabbau als Steuergröße der C-Mineralisierung und Produktion gelöster organischer Substanz in Humusauflagen
Kaiser, Klaus
Kalbitz, Karsten
Microorganisms and the turnover of soil aggregates: The importance of extracellular polymeric substances
Vogel, Cordula
Modellbasierte Klassifikation des Wasserhaushalts von Waldstandorten - Überprüfung von Unsicherheiten; Skalierung und Klassifizierung von Bewertungsgrößen
Feger, Karl-Heinz
Production of microbial extracellular polymeric substances in soil-like systems – The role of nutrient imbalances, water availability and presence of mineral surfaces
Vogel, Cordula
Resolving the conundrum of highly stable organic matter in Plaggic Anthrosols
Kalbitz, Karsten
Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid
Sedimente stehender Binnengewässer als Senken und Geoarchive für den Si-Haushalt terrestrischer Biogeosysteme
Feger, Karl-Heinz
Soil N dynamics as affected by different land use in Western and Southern China
Makeschin, Franz
Soil respiration, microbial respiration and mineralisation in soils of the mountain rain forest region of Southern Ecuador: Influence of altitude and land use
Makeschin, Franz
Stabilisierung organischer Substanz durch Komplexierung bzw. Ausfällung mit Aluminium: Einfluss der Größe der gebildeten Komplexe und Flocken
Kalbitz, Karsten
The role of clay minerals and metal oxides for organic matter stabilization in highly weathered tropical soils
Feger, Karl-Heinz
Kalbitz, Karsten
Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid
Mikutta, Robert
Transition of sulfur nutrition from excessive supply to potential deficiency in spruce forest ecosystems in Central Europe
Julich, Dorit
Vulnerability of carbon in Cryosols – substrate-microorganisms-aggregate interactions
Guggenberger, Georg
Urich, Tim
Vogel, Cordula
Water yield response to changes in land-use and climate in a semihumid/-arid transition region (Jinghe basin, Northwest China)
Schwärzel, Kai
Core Facilities
Current projects
Core Facility Environmental Analytics
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 339: Cross-Media Transport and Reaction Processes at the Compartment Boundaries of Water
Worch, Eckhard
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