Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Campus Charité Mitte (CCM)
Institut für Virologie
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10117 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Antigens and Reassortant Strains for Rotaviruses Circulating in Africa
Johne, Reimar
Comparative investigation of the genealogy of hepatitis B virus
Drexler, Jan Felix
Glebe, Dieter
From cells over organisms to populations - Characterization of outcomes of emerging alphavirus infections
Drexler, Jan Felix
Identification of factors influencing zoonotic transmission of MERS-Coronavirus in Kenya
Müller, Marcel
Identification of virus transmission networks to control key arboviral diseases in Kenya
Junglen, Sandra
Profiling the glucocorticoid receptor activation during SARS-CoV-2 infection (ProGReS)
Gassen, Nils
Müller, Marcel
SOUND - Socio-ecologic investigation of orthobunyaviruses as neglected causes of disease in Africa
Beisel, Ulrike
Drexler, Jan Felix
The consequences of biodiversity loss and land use change on infectious disease emergence
Biber-Freudenberger, Lisa
Junglen, Sandra
Completed projects
A census of viruses through the drinking water cycle
Drosten, Christian
Exner, Martin
Biodiversität und Humanpathogenität des Hantavirus Dobrava in Mitteleuropa
Krüger, Detlev H.
Charakterisierung eines neuen Adenovirus aus der Maus
Krüger, Detlev H.
Überla, Klaus
Coronaviruses as a paradigm for the transmission interface between wildlife, livestock and humans
Drosten, Christian
Tschapka, Marco
DNA-Substraterkennung durch Typ-III-Restriktionsendonukleasen
Krüger, Detlev H.
Effects of Corona and Astrovirus infections on the gut microbiomes of bats: the Hipposideros species complex as a model for virus-induced increase of pathogenic bacteria in highly gregarious mammals
Drosten, Christian
Sommer, Simone
Emerging viruses in Africa: Molecular identification and characterisation of rodent-, shrew-, and bat-borne hantaviruses and assessment of their public health potential
Krüger, Detlev H.
Emerging viruses in West and South Africa: Molecular identification and characterization of rodent- and shrew-borne hantaviruses and assessment of their public health potential
Krüger, Detlev H.
Emerging viruses in western and southern Africa:Molecular identification and characterization of rodent-, shrew-, and bat-borne hantaviruses and assessment of their impact on public health
Krüger, Detlev H.
Leendertz, Fabian
Evolutionary risk assessment of European SARS-related bat coronaviruses
Drexler, Jan Felix
Gene Therapy in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Heilbronn, Regine
Human Cytomegalovirus Terminase: Insights into structure-function relationships
Bogner, Elke
Humanized mouse models of hantavirus-induced immunopathogenesis
Schönrich, Günther
Immunevasion von Herpesviren durch Induktion von T-Zellapoptose
Schönrich, Günther
Mechanismen der DNA-Verpackung des humanpathogenen Cytomegalievirus
Bogner, Elke
Structur-function relationships of the terminase subunits pUL56 and pUl89 of human cytomegalvorius
Bogner, Elke
Type III restriction endonuclease EclP15I: Protein engineering to optimize its use in transcriptome analysis ("SuperSAGE")
Krüger, Detlev H.
Untersuchungen zur Regulation der Enzymaktivität der Restriktionsendonuklease EcoRII durch Autoinhibition
Reuter, Monika
Viral modulation of CD1 antigen presentation
Schönrich, Günther
Virus biology, host ecology, and human behaviour as determinants for coronaviral zoonoses
Drosten, Christian
Tschapka, Marco
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Ecology and species barriers in emerging viral diseases - Proposal for the coordination of DFG priority program (SPP) 1596 -
Drosten, Christian
Ecology and species barriers of emerging bat hepatitis B viruses
Drexler, Jan Felix
Glebe, Dieter
Tschapka, Marco
Hantaviruses: crossing the species barrier of natural hosts
Krüger, Detlev H.
Ulrich, Rainer G.
Induction and Suppression of antiviral RNAi pathways by mosquito-specific and mosquito-borne viruses
Junglen, Sandra
van Rij, Ronald
Necessity of adaptation of RNA viruses in host switching events between taxonomically distant reservoir animals
Müller, Marcel
Phylogenetic and experimental reconstruction of zoonotic transmission of human coronaviruses
Drosten, Christian
Processes and mechanisms driving virus prevalence, evolutionary potential and emergence from wildlife reservoirs: integrating host and viral traits in a multi-taxa approach across landscapes
Drosten, Christian
Junglen, Sandra
Kerth, Gerald
Sommer, Simone
Tschapka, Marco
SPP 1596: Ecology and Species Barriers in Emerging Viral Diseases
Drosten, Christian
Variation in cardioviruses in rats and Microcebus griseorufus as a rodent-primate model for interspecific transmission of viruses
Ganzhorn, Jörg U.
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Mechanismen der (Re)aktivierung des latenten Cytomegalievirus im Rattenmodell und Möglichkeiten zu therapeutischen Beeinflussung der viralen IE1/2-Genexpression und ihrer immunmodulatorischen Wirkung
(Project Heads
Krüger, Detlev H.
Prösch, Susanna
Ortsspezifische Integration von AAV-Vektoren durch transiente rep-Genexpression
(Project Head
Heilbronn, Regine
Ortsspezifische Integration von Plasmid-basierten AAV-Vektoren durch transiente Expression varianter Rep-Proteine
(Project Head
Heilbronn, Regine
Pathogenetische Relevanz von Immunreaktionen bei Nierentransplantatempfängern mit klinisch asymptomatischer Cytomegalovirus-Infektion
(Project Heads
Kern, Florian
Prösch, Susanna
Reinke, Petra
Störungen der Funktion von Dendritischen Zellen nach Infektion mit Herpesviren
(Project Head
Schönrich, Günther
Current projects
Linking social-ecological transformation and arthropod-borne infections
(Project Heads
Borgemeister, Christian
Junglen, Sandra
Completed projects
Characterization of SARS-CoV-2 isolates and functional studies of viral virulence in human lung organoids
(Project Heads
Drosten, Christian
Hönzke, Katja
Zscheppang, Katja
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1121: Genetic and Immunologic Determinants of Pathogen-Host-Interactions
Lucius, Richard