Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Lehrstuhl für Entwicklungsbiochemie
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
This institution in GERiT
97074 Würzburg
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Charakterisierung WT1-abhängig exprimierter Gene in der Entwicklung des urogenitalen Systems
Gessler, Manfred
Functional analysis of KDM6A histone demethylase in the regulation of HSC development and in leukemogenesis
Becker, Matthias
Müller, Albrecht M.
The role of the miR-26 family in neurogenesis
Becker, Matthias
Fischer, Utz
Research Grants
Current projects
Crosstalk of the Hippo pathway effector YAP and the Myb-MuvB complex in transcriptional regulation of cell cycle genes
Gaubatz, Stefan
Role of TRIM28 and BCOR-ITD in kidney development and the formation of pediatric kidney tumors
Becker, Matthias
Gessler, Manfred
Completed projects
Analysis of the molecular mechanisms of gene regulation by E2F6 and the functional overlap between E2F6 and the retinoblastoma protein
Gaubatz, Stefan
Control of normal and malignant pigment cell development
Schartl, Ph.D., Manfred
Determination of the mutation rate in shark
Schartl, Ph.D., Manfred
EVOBOOSTER - Impact of transposable elements on gene regulatory networks: application to fast-evolving biological pathways in fish
Schartl, Ph.D., Manfred
Evolution of sex determining genes in fishes
Schartl, Ph.D., Manfred
Evolution von Geschlechtschromosomen, Geschlechtsbestimmungsystemen und Rekombination und ihre Bedeutung für Speziation und Schutz von Amphibien
Stöck, Matthias
Functional analysis of DROSHA and DGCR8 microprocessor mutations as a cause of Wilms tumors
Gessler, Manfred
Functional analysis of the Hey bHLH factors in vascular development
Gessler, Manfred
Functional analysis of the Hey bHLH factors in vascular development
Gessler, Manfred
Functional evolution of pigment synthesis pathways in teleost fish through gen(om)e duplication
Schartl, Ph.D., Manfred
Lungfish Mega-Genomes: Analysis of the Largest Vertebrate Genomes and the Evolution of Tetrapod Adaptations
Burmester, Thorsten
Meyer, Axel
Schartl, Ph.D., Manfred
miRNA- und mRNA-Signaturen beim Wilmstumor
Gessler, Manfred
Graf, Norbert
Lenhof, Hans-Peter
Meese, Eckart
Polyploid Genome Organization and Evolution of Sturgeons (Acipenseridae)
Schartl, Ph.D., Manfred
Posttranscriptional regulation of Dmrt1 during sexual development in Medaka
Herpin, Amaury
Schartl, Ph.D., Manfred
Role of GAS2L3 in cardiomyocyte proliferation and cytokinesis in vitro and in vivo
Gaubatz, Stefan
The role of LIN 9 in early mouse development
Gaubatz, Stefan
The role of novel human synMuv-like proteins in gene expression and cell cycle regulation
Gaubatz, Stefan
The role of p16INK4a in cellular senescence caused by mitotic stress after loss of Lin9
Gaubatz, Stefan
The role of Pcgf6 function in ES cells and at the exit of pluripotency
Becker, Matthias
Understanding the cellular inventory of pediatric kidney tumors
Gessler, Manfred
Saliba, Antoine-Emmanuel
Research Units
Completed projects
Analysis of the Molecular Mechanisms of Gene Regulation by E2F6 and the Functional Overlap between E2F6 and the Retinoblastoma Protein
Gaubatz, Stefan
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Das Drosophila four-jointed Homolog fjx1 und sein Rezeptor
(Project Head
Gessler, Manfred
Energiestoffwechsel bei Herzinsuffizienz
(Project Heads
Neubauer, Stefan
Schnackerz, Klaus Dieter
Function of the Hey and Hes bHLH factors in the vascular system
(Project Head
Gessler, Manfred
Identifizierung und Charakterisierung von Kontrollgenen für die Entwicklung der Nieren und des Urogenitalsystems
(Project Head
Gessler, Manfred
Interspezifische Interaktion des gynogenetischen Amazonenmollies, Poecilia formosa, mit seinen Wirten und mit Parasiten
(Project Head
Schartl, Ph.D., Manfred
Kontrolle der normalen und malignen Pigmentzellentwicklung
(Project Heads
Schartl, Ph.D., Manfred
Volff, Jean-Nicolas
Protein-Interaktionen am membranständigen Wachstumsfaktorrezeptor Xmrk
(Project Heads
Meierjohann, Svenja
Schartl, Ph.D., Manfred
Protein-Interaktionen am membranständigen Wachstumsfaktor Rezeptor Xmrk
(Project Heads
Schartl, Ph.D., Manfred
Wellbrock, Claudia
Regulation der Aktivität des Transkriptionsfaktors E2F4 durch Phosphorylierung
(Project Head
Gaubatz, Stefan
Completed projects
Administration of the Transregio and Coordination of Activities
(Project Heads
Eilers, Martin
Schartl, Ph.D., Manfred
Crosstalk of the retinoblastoma and Ras pathways
(Project Head
Gaubatz, Stefan
Identification and characterization of tumor modifier genes for malignant melanoma
(Project Head
Schartl, Ph.D., Manfred
Ras-dependent pathways in human cancer
(Project Heads
Gaubatz, Stefan
Stiewe, Thorsten
DFG Research Centres
Completed projects
(Project Head
Lohse, Martin J.
(Project Head
Lohse, Martin J.
(Project Head
Lohse, Martin J.
(Project Head
Lohse, Martin J.
(Project Head
Lohse, Martin J.
Undergraduate and Graduate Programs
(Project Heads
Kissler, Stephan
Schartl, Ph.D., Manfred
Zentrale Verwaltung
(Project Head
Lohse, Martin J.
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 639: The Molecular and Structural Basis of Tumorinstability
Gessler, Manfred
Müller-Hermelink, Hans-Konrad
GRK 1048: Molecular Basis of Organ Development in Vertebrates
Schartl, Ph.D., Manfred