Universität Augsburg
Fakultät für Angewandte Informatik
Institute for Software und Systems Engineering
Universitätsstraße 6a
86159 Augsburg
This institution in GERiT
86159 Augsburg
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Developing Systems with Secure Information Flow
Reif, Wolfgang
Formale Methoden für den sicheren Einsatz von Java Chipkarten
Reif, Wolfgang
Formal Modeling, Safety Analysis, and Verification of Organic Computing Applications
Reif, Wolfgang
Ingenieurwissenschaftliche Sicherheitsanalyse im Kontext formaler Spezifikation
Reif, Wolfgang
Research Grants
Current projects
Correct translation of abstract specifications to C-Code
Reif, Wolfgang
Completed projects
COMBO – Combining Planning, Self-Organization and Reconfiguration in Robot Ensembles for ScORe Missions
Reif, Wolfgang
Flashix II: Incremental verification of non-local refinements
Reif, Wolfgang
Interoperabilität von Kalkülen zur Systemmodellierung
Reif, Wolfgang
Modellgetriebene Softwareentwicklung für sichere Systeme
Reif, Wolfgang
TeamBotS - A tool-supported methodology for developing software for dynamic teams of robots
Reif, Wolfgang
Voggenreiter, Heinz
Testing self-organizing, adaptive systems (TeSOS)
Knapp, Alexander
Reif, Wolfgang
Verifikation Lock-freier Algorithmen
Reif, Wolfgang
Research Units
Completed projects
Reif, Wolfgang
FOR 1085: OC-TRUST - Trustworthiness of Organic Computing Systems
Reif, Wolfgang
ForSa@OC-TRUST: Formal Analysis and Software Architectures for Trustworthy Organic Computing
Reif, Wolfgang