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Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Fachbereich VIII: Psychologie
Arbeitsbereich Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie
Schleichstraße 4
72076 Tübingen
This institution in GERiT
72076 Tübingen
Research Grants
Current projects
Augmentative effects of sleep in mirror exposure
Gais, Steffen
Svaldi, Ph.D., Jennifer
Vocks, Silja
Disentangling the link between emotion regulation and binge eating in binge eating disorder
Svaldi, Ph.D., Jennifer
Social cognition in focal epilepsy
Metternich, Ph.D., Birgitta
Schönenberg, Michael
Completed projects
Augmentative effects of tDCS on a body-related attentional retraining in women with bulimia nervosa
Fallgatter, Andreas Jochen
Plewnia, Christian
Svaldi, Ph.D., Jennifer
Tuschen-Caffier, Brunna
Auswirkungen der medizinischen Erstversorgung auf akute und posttraumatische Belastungssymptome nach moderaten Unfällen
Hautzinger, Martin
Body dissatisfaction in binge eating disorder: cognitive and affective mechanisms of maintenance
Svaldi, Ph.D., Jennifer
Cognitive behavior theory (for relapse prevention) for manic depressive (i e bipolar) disorders
Meyer, Thomas D.
Cross-cortical implementation of spatial-numerical associations revealed by transcranial direct current stimulation and near-infrared-spectroscopy
Schroeder, Philipp
Deficits in Emotion-Regulation Skills as a Maintaining Factor in Binge Eating Disorder.
Berking, Matthias
Svaldi, Ph.D., Jennifer
Effect of stress on declarative memory. Influence of HPA-System and autonome nervous system
Hautzinger, Martin
Effects of an attentional bias modification training on eating behavior in binge eating disorder
Svaldi, Ph.D., Jennifer
Tuschen-Caffier, Brunna
Inhibitory spillover and inhibitory control of eating behavior
Hütter, Mandy
Svaldi, Ph.D., Jennifer
Neurofeedback bei Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) im Erwachsenenalter
Schönenberg, Michael
Psychophysiologische Korrelate von Achtsamkeit und anhaltender Aufmerksamkeit bei nicht Depressiven und bei rezidivierend Depressiven.
Hautzinger, Martin
Kotchoubey, Boris
Role of oxytocin in attentional bias and reward-related food intake in binge eating disorder
Hallschmid, Manfred
Heinrichs, Markus
Svaldi, Ph.D., Jennifer
Tuschen-Caffier, Brunna
Shortterm and longterm efficacy of psychological interventions with depressed elderly with and without minimal cognitive deficits
Hautzinger, Martin
Sind Patienten mit affektiven Störungen blind für den Zustand des Gegenübers? Untersuchungen zur 'Theory of Mind' bei Depressionen und Bipolaren Störungen
Wolkenstein, Larissa
Social information processing in violent offenders with antisocial personality disorder: phenotypes, deficits and new interventions
Schönenberg, Michael
Soziale Vergleichsprozesse als Risikofaktor für Stimmungsveränderungen bei affektiven Störungen
Hautzinger, Martin
Sustained Attention as Mediator in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression
Hautzinger, Martin
Kotchoubey, Boris
Wirkkomponenten universaler Prävention von Depressionen bei Jugendlichen
Hautzinger, Martin
Wirkmechanismen eines schulbasierten Programms zur Prävention von Depressionen bei Jugendlichen
Pössel, Patrick
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Effects of D-Cycloserine on Body Image Exposure in Eating Disorders
Naumann, Eva
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2718: Modal and Amodal Cognition: Functions and Interactions
Kaup, Barbara
The role of modal and amodal representations in uncontrolled eating
Gawrilow, Caterina
Svaldi, Ph.D., Jennifer
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Mobile System for Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS)
Clinical Trials
Completed projects
Combined Cognitive-Behavioral and Pharmacological Continuation and Maintenance Treatment of Recurrent Depression
Hautzinger, Martin
Stangier, Ulrich
Longterm effects of the Cognitive Behavioural Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) compared to Supportive Psychotherapy: 1- and 2-years follow up
Schramm, Ph.D., Elisabeth
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 530: Lifestyles, Social Inequalities and Health Promotion
Diehl, Michael
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 1028: Learning, Educational Achievement and Life Course Development: An Integrated Research and Training Programme
Trautwein, Ulrich
Additional Information
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