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Universität Trier
Fachbereich III - Geschichte
Lehrstuhl Alte Geschichte
54286 Trier
This institution in GERiT
54286 Trier
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Spitzenmanagement in Republik und Kaiserzeit. Die Prokuratoren von Privatpersonen im Imperium Romanum vom 2. Jh. v.Chr. bis zum 3. Jh. n.Chr.
Schäfer, Christoph
Research Grants
Current projects
Maritime Connections and their Influence on the Ancient Sea Trade - Nautical Simulations as Basis for Historical Enquiries
Schäfer, Christoph
The Adriatic-Ionian coastal zone of the Balkan Peninsula. Studies on contact and exchange between Greco-Illyrian East and Italic West in the Hellenistic period
Daubner, Frank
Completed projects
Frühchristliche Grabinschriften der Stadt Trier als Quellen der Sozialgeschichte und Demographie am Übergang von der Spätantike zum frühen Mittelalter
Schäfer, Christoph
Laurons 2 - Research on the potential and intensity of Roman maritime trade with a special emphasis on performance and capabilities of reconstructed Roman seagoing merchant vessels.
Schäfer, Christoph
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Das Gallier- und das Germanenbild der Roemer (auch nichtitalischer Herkunft) im Vergleich
(Project Head
Urban, Ralf
Entwicklung der politischen u. administrativen Strukturen im Norden der Tres Galliae, unter besondeer Beruecksichtigung d.Provinz `Belgica prima` in der Spaetantike: Verwaltung - Staedte - Gemeinden - Strassen
(Project Head
Koenig, Ingemar
"Greeks and Romas, Jews and Egypts in the Multi-Cultural Society of Egypt in Classical Antquity" - A DVD-Production for Pedagogical Use
(Project Head
Schäfer, Christoph
Welfare Measures and Euergetism as a Socio-Cultural Phenomenon in the Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor as well as in the Late Republican and Imperial Italy
(Project Heads
Herrmann-Otto, Elisabeth
Schäfer, Christoph
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Macedonia in the Roman Empire. The Formation of a Provincial Society
Daubner, Frank
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 846: Slavery, Serfdom and forced Labour. Forms of Unfree Life and Labour from Antiquity to the 20th Century
Herrmann-Otto, Elisabeth
Additional Information
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