Universität des Saarlandes
Fachrichtung Biowissenschaften
Arbeitsgruppe Genetik / Epigenetik
Post Office Box 15 11 50
66041 Saarbrücken
This institution in GERiT
66041 Saarbrücken
Research Grants
Current projects
Design and use of EpiEditors to mitigate alpha-synuclein overload in Parkinson’s disease and related synucleinopathies
Jeltsch, Albert
Schulze-Hentrich, Ph.D., Julia M.
EpiProspects: Evaluating prospects of epigenome profiling in unsolved syndromal cases
Buchert-Lo, Rebecca
Schulze-Hentrich, Ph.D., Julia M.
Multidimensional genomic signature of human liver growth and hypertrophy
Hampe, Jochen
Seehofer, Daniel
Walter, Jörn E.
STEP-UP - Single cell transcriptome and epigenome profiling to better understand organ development failure in MRKH patients
Koch, Ph.D., André
Rall, K. Katharina
Schulze-Hentrich, Ph.D., Julia M.
warp’d: Integrating transcriptome and DNA methylome data to discern accelerated from delayed adaptations in the unfolding of Parkinson’s disease
Hentrich, Ph.D., Thomas
Schulze-Hentrich, Ph.D., Julia M.
Completed projects
Developmental consequences of prenatal exposure to endocrine disruptor chemicals - An investigation of epigenetic mechanisms in the Duisburg Birth Cohort Study
Kumsta, Robert
Schölmerich, Axel
DNA-Methylation profiling at imprints in healthy children conceived by assisted reproduction (ART)
Diedrich, Klaus
Kentenich, H.
Neitzel, Heidemarie
Walter, Jörn E.
Genomisches Imprinting des Igf2-Gens in der Maus: Untersuchungen zur DNA-Methylierung und dem Einfluß potentieller "Silencer"-Elemente
Walter, Jörn E.
Genom-weite Analyse epigenetischer DNA- und Chromatin-Modifikationen des Morbus Parkinson
Schulze-Hentrich, Ph.D., Julia M.
Sequenzbasierte Analyse der Regulation und Interaktion von imprinteten Genen
Paulsen, Martina
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
DNA demethylation reprogramming in the mouse zygote
Walter, Jörn E.
DNA-methylation reprogramming during early embryogenesis
Walter, Jörn E.
Identification of regulatory elements responsible for genomic imprinting in mammals
Paulsen, Martina
SPP 1129: Epigenetics
Horsthemke, Bernhard
Walter, Jörn E.
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Hochdurchsatz Genom Sequenzierer
Microfluidic real-time PCR
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Sequence specific and functional analysis of oxdative modifications in nucleic acids – implication for epigenetic memory in the mouse
(Project Head
Walter, Jörn E.
Completed projects
DNA-methylation pattern formation: mechanistic analysis and mathematical modeling of epigenetic control
(Project Heads
Walter, Jörn E.
Wolf, Verena
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
GHGA – German Human Genome-Phenome Archive
Stegle, Ph.D., Oliver