Universität Münster
Fachbereich 14 - Geowissenschaften
Institut für Geographie
Heisenbergstraße 2
48149 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48149 Münster
Research Grants
Current projects
Capitalizing on Transformation: A Recipe for Sustainable Food Systems
Sippel, Sarah Ruth
Reconstructing Holocene landscape development in Mongolia influenced by climate and pastoralism, based on geomorphological archives
Frechen, Manfred Anton
Klinge, Michael
von der Lühe, Barbara
Sauer, Daniela
Turn of the Times? Upheavals, Emotionalizations and (Re-)Polarizations of Geopolitical Discourses and Risk Imaginations in Germany in the Face of the Russian War against Ukraine
Reuber, Paul
Completed projects
Europe and the EU-Geopolitical Discourses in the political discussion.
Reuber, Paul
Governing iconic architecture . Discursive Struggles on the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg
Reuber, Paul
Roost, Frank
Wood, Gerald
Impacts of transformation of rain-forests into oil-palm plantations on silicon pools in soils
Sauer, Daniela
Mostar - Urban Governance und Wirtschaftsentwicklung in einer postkonfliktiven Krisenregion
Reuber, Paul
Regionalentwicklung in Nordost-Griechenland. Untersuchungen zur Rolle der Landwirtschaft im Entwicklungsprozeß eines Peripherraumes
Lienau, Cay
The perfume of death - ambrein formation in human adipocere
von der Lühe, Barbara
The return of Geo-Politics?! On the actualization of geopolitical representations of East and West in the print media coverage of the conflicts in Georgia (2008) and Ukraine
Reuber, Paul
Zwischen Separatismus und Transnationalisierung: Nationale Identität in Spanien und Katalonien vor dem Hintergrund der europäischen Integration
Reuber, Paul
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Die Wahrnehmung städtischen Wandels in der Postmoderne - untersucht am Beispiel der Stadt Oberhausen
Wood, Gerald
Räumliche Auswirkungen von Gemeindegebietsreformen - eine Analyse des Entscheidungsprozesses und seiner Folgen
Reuber, Paul
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Reimaginations of Land and Agriculture in the Context of Digitization
(Project Head
Sippel, Sarah Ruth
Scientific Networks
Current projects
Waste in Motion. Mobilisations of waste and pollutants as socio-material configuration
Idies, Yusif