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Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Institut für Molekulare Zellbiologie (aufgelöst)
Schlossplatz 5
48149 Münster
48149 Münster
Research Grants
Current projects
Regulation of axon formation by Rab10 and Arhgef7
Püschel, Andreas
Completed projects
Determinants of processivity in the single-headed class IX myosins
Bähler, Martin
Funktionelle Analyse der Semaphorine, einer Familie putativer Signalmoleküle, bei der peripheren Innervation des Mausembryos
Püschel, Andreas
Funktion von Sad Kinasen für die Differenzierung von Neuronen
Püschel, Andreas
Isolierung und Analyse von Rezeptoren für Semaphorine, einer Familie chemotroper Signale der axonalen Navigation
Püschel, Andreas
Lokalisation larvaler und imaginaler Anlagen im Blastodermstadium und Zellstammbäume embryonaler Zellen von Drosophila
Janning, Wilfried
Regulation of cell migration by the myosin IXb-Rho-GAP
Bähler, Martin
Regulation of mitochondrial inheritance by Myo19
Bähler, Martin
Regulation of N-cadherin trafficking during cortical development
Püschel, Andreas
Regulation of the actin-based dynamics of mitochondria by myosin XIX
Bähler, Martin
The function of the scaffolding proteins Fez1 and Fez2 in polarized transport and neuronal migration
Püschel, Andreas
Zelluläre Funktionen der Klasse IX Myosin-RhoGAP Moleküle und ihrer Bindungspartner
Bähler, Martin
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Definition of functional modules of the acto-myosin interaction (Definition funktioneller Module der Akto-Myosin-Wechselwirkung)
Bähler, Martin
Schröder, Rasmus R.
Molecular determinants of myosin motor properties
Bähler, Martin
Regulation of Rho by p190 RhoGAPs and the Smurf1 ubiquitin ligase in neurons
Püschel, Andreas
Signal-dependent generation and function of the actin filament arrays defined by SWAP-70
Bähler, Martin
The function of semaphorins in the developing and regenerating nervous system
Püschel, Andreas
The role of GTPases and CRMP proteins in the establishment of neuronal polarity
Püschel, Andreas
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
High-resolution analysis of membrane domain formation during neuronal polarization
(Project Heads
Busch, Karin
Püschel, Andreas
Completed projects
Cellular functions of the class IX myosin-RhoGAP molecules and their binding partners
(Project Head
Bähler, Martin
Kopplung von mechanischer Kraft und Signalübertragung durch Myosin IX
(Project Head
Bähler, Martin
Molekulare Analyse der Funktion der extrazellulären Matrix für die Steuerung der Navigation durch das chemorepulsive Signal Semaphorin 3A
(Project Head
Püschel, Andreas
Molekulare Analyse von Signaltransduktionsprozessen bei der axonalen Navigation
(Project Head
Püschel, Andreas
Regulation of the GTPase Rap 1B during the differentiation of neurons
(Project Head
Püschel, Andreas
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Spinning-disk Fluoreszenz-Mikroskop mit FRAP-Zusatz
Zwei-Photonen Mikroskop
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1050: Molecular Basis of Dynamic Cellular Processes
Püschel, Andreas
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1003: Cells in Motion - CiM: Imaging to Understand Cellular Behaviour in Organisms
Sorokin, Lydia
Additional Information
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