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Universität Münster
Fachbereich 13 - Biologie
Institut für Integrative Zellbiologie und Physiologie (IIZP)
Schlossplatz 8
48143 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48143 Münster
Research Grants
Current projects
Exploring the Mechanics of Focal Adhesion Kinase in Cells
Grashoff, Carsten
Completed projects
Analyse der funktionellen Bedeutung, der spezifischen Beiträge und der Interaktionen von Stress-Signalwegen des Nematoden Caenorhabditis elegans in Bezug auf gewebsspezifische zelluläre Stressantworten und die Fitness bei Stressoreinwirkung
Paul, Rüdiger J.
Analysis of Host-Parasite Cross-Talk based on the Bovine Model for Human Onchocerciasis, Onchocerca ochengi
Betzel, Christian
Brattig, Norbert
Liebau, Eva
Renz, Alfons
Comparative investigation of lipid binding proteins of parasitic nematodes from the genus Trichinella
Liebau, Eva
Das Glyoxalase-System von Onchocerca volvolus und dem Model-Nematoden Caenorhabditis elegans
Liebau, Eva
Detoxifikation bei parasitischen Nematoden: Bildung und Transport von Glutathion-Konjugaten
Liebau, Eva
Epithelial tube size regulation: the role of the apical extracellular matrix in the tracheal system of Drosophila melanogaster
Luschnig, Stefan
Filamentassoziierte Proteine quergestreifter Muskeln: eine vergleichende Untersuchung
Beinbrech, Gernot
In vitro investigation of corneodesmosin deficiency and development of a pathogenesis-based therapy for Peeling skin disease
Oji, Vinzenz
Molecular principles and control of cellular stress responses upon temperature and oxygen stress in Daphnia
Paul, Rüdiger J.
Molekulare Struktur und katalytische Funktion der Metzinkine, am Beispiel der prototypischen Zink-Endopeptidase Astacin
Stöcker, Walter
NanoPlan - Deciphering the molecular construction rules of integrin-based cell adhesions.
Grashoff, Carsten
New insights into the molecular mechanisms of anthelmintic proanthocyanidins
Hensel, Andreas
Liebau, Eva
Strube, Ph.D., Christina
Protein-S-glutathionylation in Caenorhabditis elegans - with focus on glutaredoxins and omega-class glutathione S-transferases
Liebau, Eva
Sauerstofftransport bei Daphnien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Hämoglobinfunktion
Paul, Rüdiger J.
Spatio-temporal assembly of respiratory chain complexes RCCs in mitochondrial fusion and fission dynamics
Busch, Karin
Spatiotemporal regulation of secretory lysosome trafficking controls epithelial tube fusion
Luschnig, Stefan
The structure of crystals of Drosophila myosin
Beinbrech, Gernot
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Investigating the Mechanical Loading of Desmosomes
Grashoff, Carsten
Mechanisms, phenotypic plasticity and genotypic determination of thermal tolerance and related properties in Daphnia and Leptodora kindtii:: consequences for temperature impacts on food web interactions
Paul, Rüdiger J.
Physiological match and mismatch in climate dependent distribution of boreal marine invertebrates
Paul, Rüdiger J.
Pörtner, Hans-Otto
Physiological match and mismatch in climate dependent distribution of boreal marine invertebrates
Paul, Rüdiger J.
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Analyzing the spatiotemporal regulation of intracellular force transduction in living cells
Grashoff, Carsten
Research Units
Current projects
Adaptive spatiotemporal organization of chloroplast ATP synthase in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Buchert, Felix
Busch, Karin
Developing functional and structural imaging of PMF determinants
Busch, Karin
Schwarzländer, Markus
FOR 2848: Nanoscale Architecture and Heterogeneity of the Mitochondrial Inner Membrane
Jakobs, Stefan
FOR 5573: Dynamic Regulation of the Proton Motive Force in Photosynthesis
Hippler, Michael
Supramolecular organization of ATP synthase and protonic energy coupling
Busch, Karin
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Analysis of PECAM-1-dependent mechanotransduction in endothelial cells
Grashoff, Carsten
Approaching “Old Friends” with a new model: How parasite diversity shaped the adaptation of Astyanax mexicanus to the cave
Peuß, Robert
Cave fish as a model to elucidate the genetic basis of the evolution of behavior
Rohner, Nicolas
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Central Tasks
(Project Heads
Klämbt, Christian
Luschnig, Stefan
High-resolution analysis of membrane domain formation during neuronal polarization
(Project Heads
Busch, Karin
Püschel, Andreas
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Bohnert, Maria
Luschnig, Stefan
Integrin-subtype-specific organization and force transduction
(Project Head
Grashoff, Carsten
Remodeling of tricellular junctions controls paracellular transport
(Project Head
Luschnig, Stefan
SFB 1348: Dynamic cellular interfaces: formation and function
Klämbt, Christian
Luschnig, Stefan
Completed projects
Adaptive cell-matrix nanosystems
(Project Heads
Grashoff, Carsten
Strassert, Cristian Alejandro
Trappmann, Britta
Analysis of the Drosophila blood-brain barrier
(Project Heads
Klämbt, Christian
Luschnig, Stefan
Schirmeier, Stefanie
Multiplexing FRET-based Tension Sensors to Reveal Cell Adhesion Forces during Collective Cell Migration
(Project Head
Grashoff, Carsten
Role of supercomplexes in respiration and import for functional adaptation of mitochondria
(Project Head
Busch, Karin
Spatiotemporal regulation of secretory lysosome trafficking controls epithelial tube fusion
(Project Head
Luschnig, Stefan
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
4Linien-TIRF Mikroskop
Confocal microscope with extended detection range
Inverses motorisiertes konfokales Fluoreszenzmikroskop
Konfokales Fluoreszenzlebenszeitmikroskop
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Climate driven Antarctic invasion? Physiological impacts of temperature and hypoxia on life stages of reptant decapod crustaceans and implications for distribution shifts
Storch, Daniela
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
Three-dimensional imaging of cells and tissues with ultrahigh spatiotemporal resolution by lattice light sheet microscopy
Additional Information
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