Universität Münster
Fachbereich 11 - Physik
Physikalisches Institut
Wilhelm-Klemm-Straße 10
48149 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48149 Münster
Research Grants
Current projects
Atomic-scale imaging on metal oxide surfaces with a chemically selective scanning probe tip
Mönig, Harry
Coherent Many-body phenomena in degenerate exciton ensembles in van der Waals heterostructures (Koh-E3)
Holleitner, Alexander Walter
Knorr, Andreas
Wurstbauer, Ursula
Integrated Nonlinear Phononic Circuits with Optomechanical Interface
Krenner, Hubert Johannes
Low-temperature exciton transport in strained atomically thin semiconductors
Bratschitsch, Rudolf
Malic, Ermin
Magnetic alloy spintronic THz emitters
Albrecht, Manfred
Bratschitsch, Rudolf
Nano-Characterization of Interface Defects in Chalcopyrite Thin Film Solar Cells
Mönig, Harry
Oxygen-terminated copper tips for high-resolution atomic force microscopy: From hydrogen bonds to 2D carbon nitride nano-materials
Mönig, Harry
Programmable Integrated Magneto-Phononic Circuits
Albrecht, Manfred
Krenner, Hubert Johannes
Quantum Acoustics with Semiconducting Artificial atoms
Krenner, Hubert Johannes
Ultrafast dynamics in atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides in a magnetic field
Bratschitsch, Rudolf
Knorr, Andreas
Completed projects
Auswertung von hochaufgelösten Elementverteilungsbildern in der energiefilternden Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie
Kohl, Helmut
Bestimmung von dissipativen und konservativen Wechselwirkungen zwischen Spitze und Probe mit der dynamischen Rasterkraftmikroskopie und -spektroskopie
Schirmeisen, André
Bioinspirierte Entwicklung und Erprobung von strukturierten abbaubaren Biopolymerkompositen für ein gezieltes Hartgewebsengineering
Wiesmann, Hans-Peter
Bonding, charge transfer and aggregation of luminescent Platinum complexes at metallic interfaces
Doltsinis, Nikos L.
Fuchs, Harald
Strassert, Cristian Alejandro
Development and validation of elemental ratio proxies in foraminifera and corals, using laboratory cultures, inorganic precipitation experiments, numerical small scale modelling and field investigations
Arlinghaus, Heinrich
Edge plasmon mediated tip enhanced spectroscopy
Fischer, Ulrich
Entwicklung eines kombinierten Rasterkraft- und Magnetresonanzkraft-Mikroskops für die mechanisch detektierte Elektronenspinresonanz-Spektroskopie und -Mikroskopie
Fuchs, Harald
Erzeugung neuer Charge-Transfer-Komplexe der DCNQI Klasse durch substratinduziertes Wachstum
Seidel, Christian
FP 02: Development, calibration and application of independent salinity proxies - PaleoSalt
Bijma, Ph.D., Jelle
FP 02: Development, calibration and application of independent salinity proxies - PaleoSalt
Arlinghaus, Heinrich
Functional optimization by control of the electronic and structural properties of organic molecules on surfaces studied by scanning tunnelling microscopy
Amirjalayer, Saeed
Fuchs, Harald
Interaction driven many-body phases of optically generated exciton ensembles in van der Waals heterostructures
Holleitner, Alexander Walter
Wurstbauer, Ursula
Lipid Dip-Pen Nanolithography for Model Bio-Membrane Systems
Fuchs, Harald
Local interactions of hot electron-spins with nanomagnets studied by spin-polarized scanning field emission microscopy and spectroscopy
Schlenhoff, Anika
Near-field optics of non-radiative surface plasmons on nanostructures
Fischer, Ulrich
One-dimensional carrier systems in nanowire-based semiconductor heterostructures
Koblmüller, Gregor
Krenner, Hubert Johannes
Partikelinduzierte Prozesse an Mikro- und Nanoelektroden für den ultrasensitiven Analytnachweis mit simultaner Bestimmung molekularer Bindungskräfte
Gorschlüter, Andreas
Patterned organic molecular architecture by vacuum deposition
Fuchs, Harald
Studer, Armido
Quantitative High-Resolution Atomic Force Microscopy of Organic Compounds with Copper-Oxide Functionalized Tips
Fuchs, Harald
Mönig, Harry
Service life enhancing design of surfaces with adjusted metalworking fluids on the example of lubicated metallic friction systems
Arlinghaus, Heinrich
Brinksmeier, Ekkard
Spinaufgelöste Elektron-Photon- und (e,2e)-Koinzidenz-Experimente an komplexen Atomen
Hanne, Georg Friedrich
Surface Acoustic Wave Spectroscopy Offers Novel, Broadband, and Spatially-Resolved Insight into Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Films
Krenner, Hubert Johannes
Ultrafast non-equilibrium vs equilibrium magnetic phase transitions and their signature in the electronic system
Donath, Markus
Weinelt, Martin
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Correlations in van der Waals [Hetero]Structures by the Spectroscopic Fingerprints of Quasiparticles and Collective Excitations
Kennes, Dante Marvin
Wehling, Tim
Wurstbauer, Ursula
Optical excitations in transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures under pressure
Bratschitsch, Rudolf
Rohlfing, Michael
Straintronics with van der Waals Ferroelectrics
Nysten, Emeline
Completed projects
Anordnung von ligandstabilisierten Nanoclustern in niederdimensional organisierten Strukturen und deren Charakterisierung
Chi, Lifeng
Femtosecond quantum optics with semiconductor-metal hybrid nanostructures
Bratschitsch, Rudolf
Quantum Dots Spins in High-Q Optical Resonators: Spin Meets Cavity QED
Bratschitsch, Rudolf
Spin-polarized image-potential-state electrons as ultrafast magnetic sensors in front of ferromagnetic surfaces
Donath, Markus
Weinelt, Martin
Untersuchung der Nukleation und Strukturbildung von apatitischem Biomineral in zweidimensionalen und dreidimensionalen Osteoblastenzellkulturen sowie deren Beeinflussbarkeit durch mechanische Stimulation
Wiesmann, Hans-Peter
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Planar optical nanocavities and their coupling to quantum emitters for on-chip photonics
Krenner, Hubert Johannes
Research Units
Completed projects
Tailoring light matter coupling for ultrafast quantum optics with defect centers in diamond
Bratschitsch, Rudolf
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Erzeugung von ultra-langsamen Solitonen und Lokalisierung von Gap-Solitonen in hoch nichtlinearen eindimensionale photonischen Kristallen mit Defektstrukturen
Finsterbusch, Klaus
Nahfeldspektroskopische Untersuchungen an einzelnen Membranproteinen in ihrer natürlichen Umgebung
Höppener, Christiane
Quantum photonics on a silicon chip
Schuck, Carsten
Completed projects
Bonding, charge transfer and aggregation of luminescent Pt-complexes at metallic interfaces
(Project Heads
Doltsinis, Nikos L.
Gao, Hong-Ying
Strassert, Cristian Alejandro
Wegner, Daniel
Characterization of functional organic thin films by high resolution atomic force microscopy
(Project Heads
Fuchs, Harald
Mönig, Harry
Chemical reaction control with plasmonic gap antennas
(Project Heads
Höppener, Christiane
Liu, Dongsheng
Pernice, Wolfram Hans Peter
Ravoo, Bart Jan
Functional optimization by control of the electronic and structural properties of organic molecules on surfaces studied by scanning tunneling microscopy
(Project Heads
Amirjalayer, Saeed
Du, Shixuan
Fuchs, Harald
Lin, Xiao
Patterned organic molecular architecture by vacuum deposition
(Project Heads
Chi, Lifeng
Fuchs, Harald
Studer, Armido
Zhang, Deqing
TRR 61: Multilevel Molecular Assemblies: Structure, Dynamics and Functions
Fuchs, Harald
Zentrale Aufgaben
(Project Heads
Fuchs, Harald
Zhang, Deqing
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Closed-cycle optical millikelvin magnet cryostat system for high-precision spectroscopy of lowest energy excitations
Gold-Silicon Focussed Ion Beam System with Scanning Electron Microscope
High resolution spectroscopy apparatus for acousto-optic-electric investigations at low temperatures
Low-pressure Chemical Vapour Deposition System
Micro-Raman and Photoluminescence Spectrometer
Plasma-Enhanced-CVD-Anlage kombiniert mit 3D Laser Lithographiesystem
Ultra-clean magnetron sputter system
XPS/UPS Spektrometer mit Monochromator
WBP Fellowship
Completed projects
Correlated PL, Raman and IR nanospectroscopy for studying single-photon emitters in hBN
Niehues, Iris
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Current projects
millikelvin - microwave -photonic probestation
Completed projects
Optimizing UV-MALDI-MS, direct IR-LDI-MS, and ToF-SIMS/Laser-SNMS technologies for combined molecular imaging of bioactive lipids and other biomolecules
Dreisewerd, Klaus
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Adaptive magnonic networks for advanced nanoscale computing
(Project Heads
Bratschitsch, Rudolf
Demokritov, Ph.D., Sergej O.
Pernice, Wolfram Hans Peter
Coherent nanophotonic neural networks with adaptive molecular systems
(Project Heads
Risse, Benjamin
Schuck, Carsten
Intelligent colour centre networks
(Project Heads
Niehues, Iris
Nijhuis, Christian
Opto-electronic neuromorphic architectures
(Project Heads
Bratschitsch, Rudolf
Pernice, Wolfram Hans Peter
van der Wiel, Wilfred
Completed projects
2D Reactions at Surfaces
(Project Heads
Fuchs, Harald
Studer, Armido
Die Rolle von Todesrezeptor/Liganden-Systemen im entzündlichen Endothel
(Project Heads
Riehemann, Ph.D., Kristina
Schulze-Osthoff, Klaus
Ordnungsphänomene und ihre Modellierung in funktionalen organisch/anorganischen Grenzflächen
(Project Heads
Chi, Lifeng
Fuchs, Harald
Ordnungsphänomene und ihre Modellierung in funktionalen organischen/anorganischen Grenzflächen
(Project Heads
Chi, Lifeng
Fuchs, Harald
Ultrafast Electro-optical Control of Spins in Few Quantum Dot Nanostructures
(Project Heads
Finley, Jonathan J.
Holleitner, Alexander Walter
Krenner, Hubert Johannes
Ultrafast quantum control of single electrons and photons in mesoscopic systems
(Project Heads
Bratschitsch, Rudolf
Leitenstorfer, Alfred
Mecking, Stefan
Seletskiy, Ph.D., Denis
Ultraschnelle Nano-Optik mit Halbleiter-Quantenpunkten
(Project Heads
Bratschitsch, Rudolf
Leitenstorfer, Alfred
Understanding N-Heterocyclic Carbenes on Metal Surfaces – Properties & Applications
(Project Heads
Chi, Lifeng
Erker, Gerhard
Fuchs, Harald
Glorius, Frank
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1286: Functional Metal-semiconductor Hybrid Systems
Merkt, Ulrich