Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Life Imaging Center (LIC)
Habsburgerstraße 49
79104 Freiburg
This institution in GERiT
79104 Freiburg
Research Grants
Completed projects
Fast confocal imaging in 4 D and 5 D coupled with simultaneous optical manipulation - HighLight 2004
Nitschke, Roland
German BioImaging
May, Ph.D., Elisa
Core Facilities
Completed projects
Microscopy and Image Analysis Platform Freiburg (MIAP-Freiburg)
Nitschke, Roland
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Targeting extracellular vesicle-mediated tumor-stroma communication
Küttner, Victoria
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Inverses konfokales Multi-Photonen-Mikroskop
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Central facility - In vivo Imaging (Life Imaging Center)
(Project Heads
Driever, Wolfgang
Nitschke, Roland
Central imaging facility for advanced light and correlated light and electron microscopy
(Project Heads
Eimer, Stefan
Nitschke, Roland
Research data and software
Current projects
I3D:bio - Information Infrastructure for BioImage Data
Bernhardt, Karen
May, Ph.D., Elisa
Nitschke, Roland
Weidtkamp-Peters, Stefanie