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Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Allgemeine Mikrobiologie
Am Botanischen Garten 1-9
24118 Kiel
This institution in GERiT
24118 Kiel
Research Grants
Current projects
Actinobacterial metabolism: Exploring connections between the hybrid PDH-ODH complex, the signalling cascade GlnH-GlnX-PknG-OdhI and the glutamate exporter MscCG
Bott, Michael
Bramkamp, Marc
Characterization of a putative DNA-repair mechanism in Corynebacterium
Bramkamp, Marc
Function of the MksBEFG plasmid defense system in Corynebacterium glutamicum
Bramkamp, Marc
Modelling microbiome dynamics in continuous culture
Schmitz-Streit, Ruth Anne
Molecular mechanisms of a bacterial dynamin-like protein in phage defense
Bramkamp, Marc
The genetic basis of natural competence in filamentous Cyanobacteria
Dagan, Tal
Completed projects
ADP-forming acetyl-CoA synthetases, functional and structural characterization of novel protein families in archaea and bacteria
Schönheit, Peter
Chromosome organization in Corynebacterium glutamicum: Information storage in 3D
Bramkamp, Marc
Comparative Immunogenomics of Basal Marine Metazoans - IMMUBASE
Pita Galán, Lucía
Reusch, Ph.D., Thorsten
Schmitz-Streit, Ruth Anne
Control of membrane dynamics by cooperative action of bacterial dynamin-like proteins and flotillins
Bramkamp, Marc
Die Bedeutung bakterieller Virulenzfaktoren in natürlichen Biofilmen unterschiedlicher Reifungsstadien für die Immunreaktion gingivaler Epithelzellen
Eberhard, Jörg
Schmitz-Streit, Ruth Anne
Division site selection in Bacillus subtilis: Structure and function of the novel component MinJ
Bramkamp, Marc
Functional analysis of the molecular cross-talk between methanogenic archaea and the human immune system
Heine, Holger
Schmitz-Streit, Ruth Anne
Function of a novel SPFH domain protein in bacteria
Bramkamp, Marc
Hexose degradation pathways and their transcriptional regulation in halophilic archaea
Schönheit, Peter
Neuartige Phosphoglucose-Isomerasen in Archaea
Schönheit, Peter
Pentosabbauwege und deren Regulation in halophilen Archaea
Schönheit, Peter
Regulation der Stickstoffixierung in Klebsiella pneumoniae: Aufnahme und Verarbeitung der Umweltsignale Sauerstoff und gebundener Stickstoff
Schmitz-Streit, Ruth Anne
Studying the interactions between regulatory proteins of nitrogen fixation in Klebsiella pneumoniae to gain deeper insights in the molecular mechanisms of regulation
Schmitz-Streit, Ruth Anne
The genetic mechanisms for multiseriate filament formation in cyanobacteria
Dagan, Tal
Zuckerstoffwechsel in dem hyperthermophilen Sulfat-reduzierenden Archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus
Schönheit, Peter
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Schmitz-Streit, Ruth Anne
Function and Evolution of archaeal stand-alone cas genes and cas-related anti-CRISPR genes
Schmitz-Streit, Ruth Anne
Molecular and functional characterization of two small proteins involved in nitrogen regulation in Methanosarcina mazei Gö1
Schmitz-Streit, Ruth Anne
Molecular insight into viral infection of Methanoarchaea and their respective viruses
Schmitz-Streit, Ruth Anne
SPP 2002: Small Proteins in Prokaryotes, an Unexplored World
Schmitz-Streit, Ruth Anne
Completed projects
Functional analysis of selected sRNAs potentially involved in nitrogen and / or general stress response in the archaeon Methanosarcina mazei Gö1
Schmitz-Streit, Ruth Anne
Hydrothermale Stofflüsse und biologische Produktion in der Ägäis
Linke, Peter
The contribution of vesicle-mediated DNA transfer to rapid adaptation
Dagan, Tal
The regulatory network of nitrogen assimilation and fixation in the methanogenic Archaeon Methanosarcina mazei strain Gö1
Schmitz-Streit, Ruth Anne
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Schmitz-Streit, Ruth Anne
Research Units
Completed projects
Functional analysis of the CRISPR-Cas systems in Methanosarcina mazei strain Gö1
Schmitz-Streit, Ruth Anne
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Biochemical characterisation of membrane bound proteins of the division machinery in bacteria
Bramkamp, Marc
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Impact of symbiosis on life history decisions at the base of the metazoan evolution: lessons from placozoans and Hydra
(Project Heads
Bosch, Thomas C. G.
Gruber-Vodicka, Harald
Hülter, Nils
Microbial interactions within the metaorganism: mechanisms of bacterial niche specialization and warfare in symbiosis
(Project Heads
Dagan, Tal
Obeng, Nancy
Unterweger, Daniel
Microbiota-host interactions at the base of the metazoan tree
(Project Heads
Reusch, Ph.D., Thorsten
Schmitz-Streit, Ruth Anne
Microorganisms: Culturing, phylogenetic analysis, genetic engineering and microscopy
(Project Heads
Bramkamp, Marc
Hentschel-Humeida, Ute
Schmitz-Streit, Ruth Anne
Molecular determinants underlying symbiosis in the wheat metaorganism
(Project Heads
Dagan, Tal
Holtgrewe-Stukenbrock, Ph.D., Eva
Completed projects
Control of membrane dynamics by cooperative action of bacterial dynaminlike proteins and flotillins
(Project Head
Bramkamp, Marc
Foraminiferal nitrate respiration in oxygen minimum zones (OMZ) - past and present
(Project Heads
Dagan, Tal
Eisenhauer, Anton
Gorb, Stanislav N.
N-losses and nutrient regeneration in oxygen minimum zone waters with emphasis on micro-niches
(Project Heads
Bange, Hermann W.
Kuypers, Marcel
Schmitz-Streit, Ruth Anne
Regulation of bacterial cell division by proteolysis
(Project Head
Bramkamp, Marc
Sensitivity of oceanic biological nitrogen fixation to changes in dissolved oxygen
(Project Heads
La Roche, Ph.D., Julie
Schmitz-Streit, Ruth Anne
The life cycle of the deep-sea Bathymodiolus metaorganism: symbiont transmission and colonization of the host gill epithelium
(Project Heads
Dagan, Tal
Dubilier, Nicole
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
3D PALM/STORM Mikroskop
3D SIM/PALM Microscope
Scanning electron microscope
Completed projects
Apical cell growth and generation of cellular asymmetry in corynebacteria
(Project Head
Bramkamp, Marc
Eukaryotic genes of endosymbiotic origin: evolutionary dynamics and function
(Project Heads
Dagan, Tal
Kleine, Tatjana
Martin, William
Evolutionary genome analysis: The role of symbiosis in forging eukaryotic chromosomes
(Project Heads
Dagan, Tal
Martin, William
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2501: Translational Evolutionary Research
Schulenburg, Hinrich
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 80: The Future Ocean
Visbeck, Martin
Additional Information
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