Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns (SNSB)
Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie
Richard-Wagner-Straße 10
80333 München
This institution in GERiT
80333 München
Research Grants
Current projects
Bridging biology and paleontology – a novel combined machine-learning approach to species delimitation
Neubauer, Thomas A.
Disentangling the skeleton-based fossil killifish records from Eurasia
Reichenbacher, Bettina
Unravelling the Jurassic radiation of Averostra (Dinosauria, Theropoda) from new data of its most complete early representatives and exhaustive phylogenetic analyses
Cuesta Fidalgo, Ph.D., Elena
Completed projects
Unraveling drivers of species diversification – an integrative deep-time approach on continental aquatic biota
Neubauer, Thomas A.