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Universität Bremen
Fachbereich 01: Physik und Elektrotechnik
Institut für Festkörperphysik (IFP)
Otto-Hahn Allee 1
28359 Bremen
This institution in GERiT
28359 Bremen
Priority Programmes
Current projects
DeepMixing II – Tailoring sensor properties of semiconducting metal oxide nanoparticle hetero-aggregates formed in an aerosol mixing zone
Barsan, Nicolae
Mädler, Lutz
Rosenauer, Andreas
Completed projects
Kohärente, nichtlineare Halbleiteroptik: Der Einfluß höherer Coulombkorrelationen
Neukirch, Ulrich
MBE-Wachstum von GaN auf einem stark fehlangepaßten Substrat
Hommel, Detlef
Optical gain, gain saturation, and waveguiding in nitrite semi-conductors
Michler, Peter
Phasenkohärenz von Exzitonen in ZnSe-basierenden Heterostrukturen
Neukirch, Ulrich
The measurement of the thermophysical parameters of undercooled metallic melts with a modified and extended electrostatic levitation and heating unit
Ryder, Peter
Research Grants
Completed projects
Bestimmung von Elektronenstreudaten zur Zusammensetzungsanalyse von Halbleiternanostrukturen mittels hochauflösender Elektronenmikroskopie
Rosenauer, Andreas
Enhancement of resolution and precision of TEM imaging by scanning illumination
Rosenauer, Andreas
Measurement of the chemical composition of nanostructures by quantification of Z-contrast in scanning-transmission electron microscopy
Rosenauer, Andreas
Messung des mittleren inneren Potentials von Halbleitern
Rosenauer, Andreas
Quantification of internal electric fields in semiconductor nanostructures by transmission electron microscopy
Eickhoff, Martin
Rosenauer, Andreas
Spatial resolution of strain state analysis by convergent nano beam electron diffraction
Rosenauer, Andreas
Strong and weak coupling in ZnSe-based monolithic microcavities with lateral confinement
Hommel, Detlef
Sebald, Kathrin
Untersuchung struktureller und optischer Eigenschaften von InGaNAs/GaAs Halbleiterheterostrukturen
Schowalter, Marco
Research Units
Completed projects
Composition and structure of nanoporous Au dealloyed from AuAg and AuCu
Rosenauer, Andreas
Defects, chemistry and ordering in nitride nanostructures
Rosenauer, Andreas
Growth and characterization of short-wavelength surface emitting lasers based on GaN
Hommel, Detlef
Nanostructuring of homo- and heteroepitaxial light emitters for enhanced quantum efficiency using photonic crystal components
Figge, Stephan
Ultrafast dynamics of light-matter-coupling processes in functionalized semiconductor nanowire structrures
Gutowski, Jürgen
Voß, Tobias
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Structural investigation of nanostructures by Extend X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) and Diffraction Anomalous Fine structure (DAFS)
Piskorska-Hommel, Edyta
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
300kV Raster-Transmissionselektronenmikroskop
Core Facilities
Completed projects
MAPEX Core Facility for Materials Analytics
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