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Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Altenberger Straße 69
A-4040 Linz
A-4040 Linz
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Quantum dynamic simulations of charge- and excitation energy transfer reactions in biological macromolecules: Establishing structure function relationships at an atomic level.
Renger, Thomas
Source approach to quantum systems in atomic and mesoscopic physics
Kramer, Tobias
Emmy Noether International Fellowships
Completed projects
Quantensysteme und Materiewellen in äußeren Feldern
Kramer, Tobias
Research Grants
Current projects
Blue-Green Light Harvesting in the Ocean: Theory meets Experiment
Hauer, Jürgen
Hofmann, Eckhard
From Phonons to Phasons – Ultrafast Atomic Vibrations in Quasicrystals
Windsor, Yoav William
Completed projects
Interaction of long-living solvated electrons with adsorbates at the surface of ice
Bockstedte, Michel
Bovensiepen, Uwe
Morgenstern, Karina
Magneto-electric coupling at metallic surfaces
Ernst, Arthur
Wulfhekel, Wulf
Optimaler Transport in wechselwirkenden Vielteilchensystemen
Kramer, Tobias
Realistic Simulations of Photoactive Systems on HPC Clusters with Many-Core Processors
Kramer, Tobias
Reinefeld, Alexander
Water-soluble chlorophyll protein (WSCP): Biological function, photophysics, and protein-directed assembly of nanoparticles
Basché, Thomas
Paulsen, Harald
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 1878: funCOS - Functional Molecular Structures on Complex Oxide Surfaces
Libuda, Jörg
Oxide-ferromagnet interfaces for spinelectronics
Ernst, Arthur
Görling, Andreas
Meyer, Bernd
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Electronic Ground State and Excited State Properties of complex oxidic Structures
(Project Heads
Ernst, Arthur
Hergert, Wolfram
Modeling and simulation of magnetic semiconductor device structures
(Project Heads
Fabian, Jaroslav
Kramer, Tobias
Theory of excitation-energy transfer and charge transfer in photosystems I and II
(Project Head
Renger, Thomas
Theory of photoprotection and process of light-harvesting in the LHCII of plants and of transfer of excitation energy and charge in chlorophyll d-containing cyanobacteria
(Project Heads
Knorr, Andreas
Renger, Thomas
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Quasiparticle theory of defects in semiconductors and their excited states
Bockstedte, Michel
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Ab initio description of the thermoelectric properties of heterostructures in the diffusive limit of transport
Ernst, Arthur
Mertig, Ingrid
Correlation of geometric and electronic structure at surfaces and interfaces of adsorbate covered topological insulators
Meyerheim, Holger L.
Topological semimetal phases in HgTe-related alloys: Berryology and surface transport
Ernst, Arthur
Henk, Jürgen
Transversal transport properties and electron-magnon interaction: An ab initio description
Ernst, Arthur
Mertig, Ingrid
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Optimaler Transport in wechselwirkenden Vielteilchensystemen
Kramer, Tobias
Current projects
TRR 306: Quantum Cooperativity of Light and Matter – QuCoLiMa
von Zanthier, Joachim
Completed projects
Point defects in silicon carbide: Towards a platform for the coupling of light, spin and Mechanics
(Project Heads
Bockstedte, Michel
Neu-Ruffing, Elke
Weber, Heiko B.
Additional Information
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