Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Medizinische Fakultät
Institut für Physiologie und Pathophysiologie
Abteilung Neuro- und Sinnesphysiologie
Im Neuenheimer Feld 326
69120 Heidelberg
This institution in GERiT
69120 Heidelberg
Research Grants
Completed projects
Biphasic expression of plasticity genes in the stabilization of hippocampal and neocortical fear memory neuronal ensembles.
Oliveira, Ana M. M.
Development, plasticity and ensemble recruitment of AcD cells in the hippocampus
Both, Martin
Engelhardt, Maren
Die Rolle von elektrischen Synapsen (gap junctions) bei der Synchronisierung von Netzwerk-Oszillationen im Hippokampus der Ratte
Draguhn, Andreas
Electroanatomy of hippocampal networks: Topographic distribution of co-active cells and its plasticity
Both, Martin
Draguhn, Andreas
Generation and propagation of transient neuronal assemblies in the mouse hippocampus
Draguhn, Andreas
Genetic, structural and electrophysiological analyis of the zinc finger transcription factor Bcl11b/Ctip2 during formation and maintenance of hippocampal mossy fiber synapses
Britsch, Stefan
Draguhn, Andreas
Hereditary sick sinus syndrome – phenotypic spectrum, genetic basis, cellular dysfunction and implications for therapy
Schweizer, Patrick A.
Thomas, Dierk
Hippocampal impact on prefrontal cortex: basic mechanisms of memory consolidation
Draguhn, Andreas
Korte, Martin
The role of abnormal NMDA receptor-mediated transmission in specific neuronal populations in the post-adolescent onset of psychosis
Inta, Dragos
Theta and respiration: Interactions of two different rhythms in the entrainment of neuronal activity
Draguhn, Andreas
Research Units
Completed projects
Alterations of synaptic and network functions in APP and APLP-deficient mice
Draguhn, Andreas
Korte, Martin
Differential susceptibility of αRGCs to glutamate excitotoxicity in autoimmune optic neuritis
Draguhn, Andreas
Fairless, Richard
FOR 577: Synaptic Inhibition: Molecular Determinants of Inhibitory Neurons Within Defined Networks
Draguhn, Andreas
FOR 2289: Calcium homeostasis in neuroinflammation and -degeneration: New targets for therapy of multiple sclerosis?
Diem, Ricarda
Presynaptic ionotropic GABA-receptors and inhibitory efficacy in hippocampal circuits
Draguhn, Andreas
Z-Projekt (coordination and central funds)
Draguhn, Andreas
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Aktivitätsabhängige Änderungen des Transmitter-Metabolismus und der Funktion zentraler inhibitorischer Synapsen
(Project Head
Draguhn, Andreas
Centrel Task
(Project Head
Draguhn, Andreas
Coordinated network activity in the hippocampus: effects of glucocorticoids and stress on assembly formation and propagation
(Project Heads
Both, Martin
Draguhn, Andreas
Downstream signalling of hippocampal ensembles in the entorhinal cortex
(Project Head
Draguhn, Andreas
Functional maturation of patterned network activity in the dentate gyrus
(Project Head
Draguhn, Andreas
Integrated research training group: Translational Neurosciences
(Project Heads
Draguhn, Andreas
Flor, Herta
Spanagel, Rainer
SFB 1134: Functional ensembles: cellular components, patterned activity and plasticity of co-active neurons in local networks
Draguhn, Andreas
Structural and functional diversity of the axon initial segment of principal neurons in hippocampal ensembles.
(Project Heads
Both, Martin
Schultz, Christian
The cortical signature of nociception and pain in circuits of the lateral somatosensory system
(Project Heads
Baumgärtner, Ulf
Draguhn, Andreas
Rupp, André
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 791: Neural Developmental and Degenerative Processes: Basic Research and Clinical Implications
Monyer, Hannah