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Universität Siegen
Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2a
57076 Siegen
57076 Siegen
Research Grants
Current projects
A unified continuum mechanical model framework for initial and induced anisotropy - systematic investigations of anisotropic damage
Reese, Stefanie
Experimental investigations and modeling of biohybrid heart valves including tissue maturation – from in vitro to in situ tissue engineering
Jockenhövel, Stefan
Reese, Stefanie
Modeling the thermoforming process of fiber-reinforced thermoplastics
Lion, Alexander
Reese, Stefanie
Multiscale modeling based on a novel combination of direct data-driven methods with Fourier transform-based microstructure simulation
Reese, Stefanie
Multiscale modeling of the anisotropic elastic-plastic behavior of paper
Simon, Jaan-Willem
Completed projects
Blanking of fibre reinforced plastics. Manufacturing technology and numerical modelling
Bergs, Thomas
Reese, Stefanie
Computational homogenization of inelastic conventional and gradient-extended microstructures by a shear band approach
Wulfinghoff, Stephan
Direct data-driven computational mechanics for anelastic material behaviours
Reese, Stefanie
Drug-eluting coronary stents in stenosed arteries: medical investigation and computational modelling
Behr, Ph.D., Marek
Reese, Stefanie
Vogt, Felix
Entwicklung einer mikromechanisch basierten Modellierung zur Finite-Elemente-Simulation des physiologischen Verhaltens von Skelettmuskeln
Böl, Markus
Entwicklung neuer Technologien zur numerischen Simulation quasistatisch-dynamisch kombinierter Umformverfahren
Reese, Stefanie
Experimental and numerical investigations of laminated, fibre reininforced plastics under crash loading
Hopmann, Christian
Reese, Stefanie
Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen zur Kriechfestigkeit von einkristallinen Superlegierungen bei Temperaturen oberhalb von 1000°C
Reese, Stefanie
Multi-Scale Modelling of Thermoplastic Fibre Reinforced Composites during Thermoforming
Gries, Thomas
Reese, Stefanie
Technology development for the efficient production of glass exterior and interior components for automotive futures
Kneer, Reinhold
Reese, Stefanie
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Erhöhung der Maßhaltigkeit von Blechbauteilen durch eine modellgestützte Bahnplanung für die roboterbasierte Blechumformung
Meier, Horst
Reese, Stefanie
Finite element-based micromechanical modelling of phase interactions in filler reinforced elastomers
Reese, Stefanie
Hybrid discretizations in solid mechanics for non-linear and non-smooth problems
Reese, Stefanie
Wieners, Christian
Wohlmuth, Barbara
Joining of blanks with electrochemical support (ECUF)
Grundmeier, Guido
Homberg, Werner
Maier, Hans Jürgen
Model order reduction in space and parameter dimension - towards damage-based modeling of polymorphic uncertainty in the context of robustness and reliability
Reese, Stefanie
Model reduction and substructure technique - application to modular shell structures made of ultra high performance concrete
Reese, Stefanie
Multiscale modelling of joining processes taking account of the thermomechanical-chemical behavior in the boundary layer
Reese, Stefanie
Multiscale modelling of joining processes under consideration of the thermo-mechano-chemical behaviour in the interface
Reese, Stefanie
SPP 1640: Joining by Plastic Deformation
Groche, Peter
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Diagnose und Lokalisierung diskreter Schäden durch Schwingungsmessung mit dem Ziel der Restlebensdauerermittlung
(Project Heads
Bruhns, Otto-Timme
Reese, Stefanie
Finite-Elemente-Modellierung des Strukturverhaltens von NiTi-Legierungen in medizinischen Anwendungen und Verbundsystemen
(Project Head
Reese, Stefanie
Modelladaptive simulation for the monitoring of weak spots and lifetime prediction of constructions
(Project Head
Reese, Stefanie
Simulationsstrategien zur Lebensdauerermittlung von Bauwerken mit Hilfe von modelladaptiven und systemtheoretischen Methoden
(Project Head
Reese, Stefanie
Research Units
Current projects
A computationally efficient virtual solid-shell element for the non-linear analysis of thin structures
Holthusen, Hagen
Reese, Stefanie
FOR 5492: Polytope Mesh Generation and Finite Element Analysis Methods for Problems in Solid Mechanics
Klinkel, Sven
Completed projects
Modellierung und Simulation des Werkstoff- und Strukturverhaltens bei der elektromagnetischen Blechumformung
Reese, Stefanie
Modellierung und Simulation des Werkstoffverhaltens bei der elektromagnetischen Blechumformung
Svendsen, Robert
Modelling and simulation of the material behaviour in electromagnetic forming processes
Blum, Heribert
Current projects
A new methodology for the efficient design of modular carbon-reinforced concrete structures
(Project Heads
Brepols, Tim
Holthusen, Hagen
Reese, Stefanie
Simon, Jaan-Willem
Coupling of intrusive and non-intrusive locally decomposed model order reduction techniques for rapid simulations of road systems
(Project Heads
Brepols, Tim
Reese, Stefanie
Completed projects
Contact Zone – Understanding Materials!
(Project Heads
Brinksmeier, Ekkard
Karpuschewski, Bernhard
Klocke, Fritz
Reese, Stefanie
Lifetime prediction of nozzle structures under streaming conditions
(Project Heads
Haupt, Matthias
Reese, Stefanie
Multiscale modelling of the damage and fracture behaviour in nanostructured laminates
(Project Heads
Reese, Stefanie
Wulfinghoff, Stephan
Numerically efficient multiscale material models for processes with thermal and chemical impact
(Project Heads
Reese, Stefanie
Wulfinghoff, Stephan
Simulation technologies for thermal buckling in aerothermodynamically loaded thin-walled structures
(Project Head
Reese, Stefanie
Thermomechanically coupled process modeling of microstructural material modifications
(Project Heads
Reese, Stefanie
Svendsen, Robert
TRR 136: Function Oriented Manufacturing Based on Characteristic Process Signatures
Brinksmeier, Ekkard
Karpuschewski, Bernhard
Reese, Stefanie
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 111: Aachen Institute for Advanced Study in Computational Engineering Science (AICES)
Behr, Ph.D., Marek
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