Universität Regensburg
Fakultät für Katholische Theologie
Lehrstuhl für Liturgiewissenschaft
Universitätsstraße 31
93053 Regensburg
This institution in GERiT
93053 Regensburg
Research Grants
Current projects
A Digital Catalogue and Historical Analysis of Manuscripts of the Bohairic Coptic Euchologion
Mikhail, Ph.D., Arsenius
A History of the Byzantine “Divine Liturgy” Part I: The Liturgy of the Word
Parenti, Ph.D., Stefano
Hymning the Transfiguration of Christ in the Greek East: Heortology, Thematic Development, and Theological Contributions
Tucker, Gregory
The Emergence of the Baptismal Anointing
Bukovec, Ph.D., Predrag
Completed projects
Amphilochius of Iconium: A preacher of fourth-century Cappadocia in the context of the history of liturgy, church and preaching
Buchinger, Harald
Regional History of the Byzantine Rite
Parenti, Ph.D., Stefano
The Sacramentaries of Saint-Amand as a Case Study in the Processes of Liturgical Change in the Ninth Century
Westwell, Ph.D., Arthur
Advanced Studies Centres in SSH
Current projects
Jenseits des Kanons: Heterotopien religiöser Autorität im spätantiken Christentum
Buchinger, Harald
Merkt, Andreas
Nicklas, Ph.D., Tobias
Completed projects
FOR 2770: Jenseits des Kanons: Heterotopien religiöser Autorität im spätantiken Christentum
Nicklas, Ph.D., Tobias
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2337: Pre-modern Metropolitansim
Oberste, Jörg