Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Technische Fakultät
Institut für Informatik
Georges-Köhler-Allee 106
79110 Freiburg
This institution in GERiT
79110 Freiburg
Research Grants
Current projects
A Modeling and Analysis Framework for Clinical Guidelines
Boeker, Martin
Podelski, Andreas
Distributed Graph Coloring Algorithms
Kuhn, Fabian
Incremental Development, Incremental Checking: Software Model Checking of Temporal HAL Interface Specifications for Embedded Systems with a Hardware Abstraction Layer
Podelski, Andreas
Sikora, Axel
LaST-FP: Linear Types and Session Types for Functional Programming/Linearity and Order for Typestate and Session Types
Thiemann, Peter
SUPRA: Satisfiability UPon GeneRAlization beyond SAT
Scholl, Christoph
Trace-based analysis of concurrent programs
Sulzmann, Ph.D., Martin
Thiemann, Peter
Completed projects
Abstract Cognitive Models
Podelski, Andreas
Algebraic Fault Attacks
Becker, Bernd
Kreuzer, Martin
Polian, Ilia
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen für ausgewählte diskrete Probleme
Ottmann, Thomas
CISM-Kurs "Formalware Engineering - Formal Methods for Software Engineering"
Rittinger, Frank
Constraints über RDF-Graphen: Checking und semantische Ausführung von SPARQL-Anfragen.
Lausen, Georg
Counterexample generation for stochastic systems using Bounded Model Checking
Ábrahám, Erika
Effiziente partikelbasierte Simulation von Flüssigkeiten mit interagierenden deformierbaren und starren Objekten
Teschner, Matthias
Einsatz von Verifikationstechniken unter Berücksichtigung unvollständiger Information
Becker, Bernd
Formale Methoden und ihre Anwendungen in verschiedenen Entwurfsphasen zur Sicherheit in Softwarearchitekturen im E-Commerce
Basin, David
Graph Structure Theory in Compiler Construction
Krause, Philipp Klaus
Heuristische Suche und Anwendung auf die Protokollvalidation
Ottmann, Thomas
Identifikation und Test von anfälligen Schaltungskomponenten unter Prozessvariationen
Becker, Bernd
Individualized hand motor training under suitable brain states to improve performance and learning after stroke
Tangermann, Michael
Weiller, Cornelius
Integration of Scripts in Reliable Programs
Thiemann, Peter
Modellierung Anfrageauswertung und Netzunterstützung für verlinkte XML-Informationsquellen im World-Wide.Web
May, Wolfgang
Offline-Spezialisierung für Standard ML
Thiemann, Peter
Routing-Probleme in VLSI-Systemen - Lösungsansätze mit Genetischen Algorithmen
Becker, Bernd
Solving Dependency Quantified Boolean Formulas
Becker, Bernd
Scholl, Christoph
Wimmer, Ralf
Spontane integrierte Verarbeitung heterogener Informationen im World-Wide-Web
Lausen, Georg
Test und Diagnose in Nanoscale-Technologien
Becker, Bernd
Polian, Ilia
Timed Model-Checking for Time-Triggered System Designs
Westphal, Bernd
Typbasierte Programmanalyse für Skriptsprachen
Thiemann, Peter
VerA: Fully Automatic Formal Verification of Arithmetic Circuits
Drechsler, Rolf
Große, Daniel
Scholl, Christoph
Visualisieren von Haaren aus dynamischen parametrisierbaren Frisurmodellen
Vetter, Thomas
Weltbilder in der Informatik
Lausen, Georg
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Algorithmische Aspekte der Packet Routing im Internet
Ottmann, Thomas
Annotation als Mittel zur Unterstützung synchroner und asynchroner Lehr-/Lernszenarien
Ottmann, Thomas
Autonomous Active Object Learning Through Robot Manipulation
Behnke, Sven
Burgard, Wolfram
Auto-Tune: Structural Optimization of Machine Learning Frameworks for Large Datasets
Brox, Thomas
Hennig, Philipp
Hutter, Ph.D., Frank
Effiziente Algorithmen zur Logiksynthese und Verifikation bei VLSI-Schaltkreisen
Becker, Bernd
Erzeugen multimedialer Dokumente on the fly
Ottmann, Thomas
Scalable Autonomous Reinforcement Learning - From scratch to less and less structure
Bödecker, Joschka
Peters, Ph.D., Jan Reinhard
Type-based gradual enforcement of security policies for concurrent programs
Thiemann, Peter
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Efficient Learning for Transferable Robot Autonomy in Human-Centered Environments
Valada, Abhinav
Robust Computer Vision through Neural Analysis-by-Synthesis with 3D-aware Compositional Network Architectures
Kortylewski, Ph.D., Adam
Completed projects
Advanced Methods for Automated Optimization and Modeling of the Empirical Performance of Highly Parameterized Heuristic Algorithms
Hutter, Ph.D., Frank
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Model-based Configuration of Algorithms for Solving Hard Computational Problems
Hutter, Ph.D., Frank
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Essentials for few-shot learning on images
(Project Heads
Brox, Thomas
Valada, Abhinav
Learning fast and efficient hyperparameter control for deep reinforcement learning on small datasets
(Project Heads
Awad, Ph.D., Noor
Bödecker, Joschka
Meta-learning for regularizing deep networks under small data regimes
(Project Heads
Grabocka, Josif
Hutter, Ph.D., Frank
Transfer- and meta-learning in deep networks for human brain-signal analysis
(Project Heads
Ball, Tonio
Hutter, Ph.D., Frank
Transfer learning for forecasting short environmental time series using process- guided neural networks
(Project Heads
Bödecker, Joschka
Dormann, Carsten
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Deep Learning Compute Cluster (partial financing)
Current projects
Role of medial prefrontal cortex GABAergic interneuron types in context and rule encoding investigated with 2P-imaging and holographic stimulation
(Project Heads
Bödecker, Joschka
Diester, Ilka
Completed projects
Accurate Dead Code Detection in Embedded C Code by Arithmetic Constraint Solving (DeCoDe)
(Project Heads
Becker, Bernd
Fränzle, Martin
Automated Verification of Cooperating Traffic Agents
(Project Heads
Althaus, Ernst
Damm, Werner
Olderog, Ernst-Rüdiger
Scholl, Christoph
Sofronie-Stokkermans, Viorica
Waldmann, Uwe
Automatic Verification of Hybrid System Stability
(Project Heads
Fränzle, Martin
Hermanns, Holger
Podelski, Andreas
Theel, Oliver
Wolf, Verena
Beyond Timed Automata
(Project Heads
Finkbeiner, Bernd
Fränzle, Martin
Olderog, Ernst-Rüdiger
Podelski, Andreas
Sofronie-Stokkermans, Viorica
Bounded Model Checking and Inductive Verification of Hybrid Systems
(Project Head
Becker, Bernd
Central Tasks
(Project Heads
Becker, Bernd
Damm, Werner
Finkbeiner, Bernd
Compositional Approaches to System Verification
(Project Heads
Becker, Bernd
Finkbeiner, Bernd
Nebel, Bernhard
Scholl, Christoph
Constaint-based Verification for Hybrid Systems
(Project Heads
Althaus, Ernst
Becker, Bernd
Fränzle, Martin
Weidenbach, Christoph
[DextrousSpace] Dexterous Spatial Interactive Manipulation of Virtual Objects
(Project Heads
Teschner, Matthias
Zachmann, Gabriel
Dynamic Communication Systems
(Project Heads
Damm, Werner
Finkbeiner, Bernd
Hermanns, Holger
Podelski, Andreas
Weidenbach, Christoph
Heuristic Search and Abstract Model Checking
(Project Heads
Finkbeiner, Bernd
Nebel, Bernhard
Podelski, Andreas
[PlanSpace] Spatial Planning
(Project Heads
Nebel, Bernhard
Teschner, Matthias
[ThreeDSpace] Three-Dimensional Map Construction
(Project Heads
Burgard, Wolfram
Teschner, Matthias
Verification of Dependability Properties
(Project Heads
Becker, Bernd
Hermanns, Holger
Theel, Oliver
Wolf, Verena
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 623: Quality Guarantees for Computer Systems
Seidel, Raimund
GRK 806: Mathematical logic and applications
Lausen, Georg
GRK 1103: Embedded Microsystems
Burgard, Wolfram
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1086: BrainLinks-BrainTools
Burgard, Wolfram