Technische Universität Hamburg
Institut für Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik
Denickestraße 17
21073 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
21073 Hamburg
Priority Programmes
Current projects
MiMoSe II– Microelectronic modular system for sensor-integrating machine elements
Kirchner, Eckhard A.
Krause, Dieter
Trieu, Hoc Khiem
MiMoSe - Microelectronic modular system for sensor-integrating machine elements
Kirchner, Eckhard A.
Krause, Dieter
Trieu, Hoc Khiem
Completed projects
Entwicklung eines Entwurfssystems für hydrostatische Systeme, das Gestaltung und Berechnung integriert
Feldmann, Dierk Götz
Projektierungssystem für hydrostatische Systeme, das eine durchgängige DV-Unterstützung für Aufgabenerfassung, Lösungsfindung, Schaltplanerstellung und geometrische Gestaltung bietet
Feldmann, Dierk Götz
SPP 1551: Resource Efficient Constructional Elements
Höhn, Bernd-Robert
Research Grants
Current projects
DynaVal - Dynamically Adaptive Impedance Elements for Vibration Control in Validation Environments
Krause, Dieter
Matthiesen, Sven
Experimental investigation and probabilistic analysis of the load carrying capability of cylindrical shells subject to multiaxial loading
Krause, Dieter
Kriegesmann, Benedikt
Investigation of the transferability of the fatigue behaviour of fibre-reinforced plastics from coupon samples to optimised higher-level components for the development of a design guideline
Krause, Dieter
Wartzack, Sandro
Simulation aided analysis and evaluation of concepts for modular product structure strategies
Krause, Dieter
Meyer, Matthias
Completed projects
AIProVE – Adjustable Impedance Elements for Product Validation in Compliant Environments
Krause, Dieter
Matthiesen, Sven
Design of monolithic ceramic components in the mixed friction area under combined tribological, mechanical and thermal stress
Krause, Dieter
Development of a model describing the characteristics and effects of modular product structures for the evaluation of methodical approaches
Krause, Dieter
Development of a Reliability-Based Design Approach for Unstiffened CFRP-Cylinders under Material and Structural Uncertainties
Krause, Dieter
Kivi – Methodical Framework for the Development of Customer-Specific Product Families based on Modular Product Structures
Krause, Dieter
Life expectancy of ceramic components in hydrostatic machines
Feldmann, Dierk Götz
MProvE - Validation of Methods in Product Development through Experiments – Development of a Procedural Model
Krause, Dieter
Matthiesen, Sven
WiMo-Trans - Validation and further development of an impact model for describing the effects of modular product structure in manufacturing industry
Krause, Dieter
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
Test rig for load combinations for life prediction of complex lightweight strukturs
Krause, Dieter