Technische Universität Dresden
Medizinische Fakultät Carl-Gustav-Carus
Institut für Anatomie
Fetscherstraße 74
01307 Dresden
This institution in GERiT
01307 Dresden
Research Units
Completed projects
Funktionell-morphologische Untersuchungen der Reaktionen von Knochengeweben auf biologisch modifizierten Implantaten und Knochenersatzmaterialien (Thema geändert)
Funk, Richard
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Control of neural crest cell migration via signalling molecules (BMP-4, Noggin, eFGF, Wnts) in the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum)
Epperlein, Hans-Henning
Die Steuerung der Migration von Neuralleistenzellen bei Amphibienembryonen (Ambystoma, Xenopus) durch Signalmoleküle (Wachstumfaktoren, Matrixmoleküle) Control of neural crest cell migration via signalling molecules (matrix molecules, growth factors, transcription factors) in amphibian embryos (Ambystoma, Xenop
Epperlein, Hans-Henning
Physical and cellbiological characterization of the interaction of human osteoblasts with the structured titanium surfaces
Monsees, Thomas
Pompe, Wolfgang
Physikalische und zellbiologische Charakterisierung der Wechselwirkung von humanen Osteoblasten mit strukturierten Titanoberflächen
Funk, Richard
Research Grants
Current projects
Secreted EGFL7 governs blood-brain barrier integrity in malignant glioma
Schmidt, Mirko H.H.
Completed projects
EGFL7 governs angiogenesis by regulation of vascular Notch singaling
Schmidt, Mirko H.H.
Expression, function and endogenous modulators of the transient receptor potential (TRP) channels TRPV1, TRPV4, TRPM8 und TRPA1 in human corneal endothelial cells
Mergler, Stefan
Valtink, Monika
Metabolic cell damage in retina and optic nerve
Funk, Richard
Molecular and cellular characterization of prominin-like molecules in urodele amphibian - A unique model to study central nervous system regeneration
Corbeil, Denis
Notch-dependent regulation of neural stem cells in the neurovascular niche
Schmidt, Mirko H.H.
Origin and development of striated muscles in the tail of axolotl embryos
Epperlein, Hans-Henning
Size regulation of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) in developing axolotls with a deficiency or oversupply of neural crest material
Epperlein, Hans-Henning
The role of alveolar epithelial type I cells in bleomycin-induced lung injury: Characterization of fibrosis-relevant signal pathways
Barth, Kathrin
Transient immortalisation of human cells using human corneal endothelium (posterior corneal epithelium) as a model
Valtink, Monika
Variable cell stretching and mechanical ventilation: A comprehensive investigation on the mechanisms and long-term effects of a new ventilatory strategy
Gama de Abreu, Marcelo
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Completed projects
Caveolae as tracking as trafficking compartments to manage transcytosis within the alveolar epithelium
(Project Head
Kasper, Michael
Regulation of vascular Notch signalling by EGFL7
(Project Head
Schmidt, Mirko H.H.
The pathophysiological role of caveolae and caveolin -1 in cardiovascular disease: A new model of endothelial mediated cardiomyopathy
(Project Heads
Kasper, Michael
Strasser, Ruth H.
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Modulation of glioma-neuron networks by immune cells in malignant brain tumors
(Project Heads
Schmidt, Mirko H.H.
Zipp, Frauke
Completed projects
EGFL7 and progranulin (PRGN) in neurogenesis: a notch above as a duo in neural homeostasis.
(Project Heads
Schmidt, Mirko H.H.
Schwarzacher, Stephan
Tegeder, Irmgard
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 864: Molecular Cell Biology and Bioengineering
Reichmann, Heinz
GRK 1401: Nano- and Biotechniques for Electronic Device Packaging
Gerlach, Gerald