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Universitätsklinikum Jena
Institut für Pharmakologie und Toxikologie
Drackendorfer Straße 1
07747 Jena
This institution in GERiT
07747 Jena
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Pharmakologie und Toxikologie
Schulz, Stefan
Research Grants
Current projects
Changes in µ-opioid receptor phosphorylation during chronic opioid administration and their pharmacological influence
Kliewer, Andrea
Characterization of the nociceptin/orphanin FQ peptide receptor (NOP) as a novel pharmacological target for the development of safer analgesics
Schulz, Stefan
Effects of facilitated desensitization of µ-opioid receptors on analgesic and respiratory depressive tolerance development in vivo
Schulz, Stefan
Pathomechanisms of DONSON microcephaly
Stumm, Ralf
Real-time imaging of μ-opioid receptor signaling, phosphorylation and desensitization
Schulz, Stefan
Role of tangential migration for cortical network maturation
Holthoff, Knut
Kirmse, Knut
Stumm, Ralf
Completed projects
Attraction and role of innate immune cells in brain injury
Stumm, Ralf
Bedeutung des Chemokins SDF-1 für Belohnungs-Neurogenese-Kopplung im Hippokampus
Stumm, Ralf
Chemorezeptor vermittelte Aktivierung heterotrimerer G-Proteine und nachgeschalteter Signaltransduktionswege in Drosophila melanogaster
Neuhaus, Eva Maria
CXCL12-dependent development of neuronal structures under the control of the atypical chemokine receptor CXCR7
Stumm, Ralf
CXCL12 regulates migration and final layer allocation of caudal ganglionic eminence-derived GABAergic neurons in the cerebral cortex
Stumm, Ralf
CXCR4-dependent tissue remodeling after experimental stroke
Stumm, Ralf
Genetic dissection of arrestin-mediated µ-opioid receptor signaling in vivo
Schulz, Stefan
Homo- und Heterodimerisierung von Somatostatin-Rezeptorsubtypen
Schulz, Stefan
Idenifizierung und Charakterisierung regulatorischer Peptid-Rezeptoren als neue pharmakologische Zielstrukturen zur Behandlung entzündlicher Gelenkschmerzen
Schulz, Stefan
Regulated endocytosis and post endocytotic trafficking of somatostatin receptors
Schulz, Stefan
Regulation of morphine tolerance by alternative Splicing
Schulz, Stefan
Regulation of opioid tolerance by agonist-selective phosphorylation of endogenous µ-opioid-receptors in vivo
Schulz, Stefan
Role of chemokines in olfactory neurogenesis
Neuhaus, Eva Maria
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Molekulare Pharmakologie G Protein-gekoppelter Rezeptoren
Schulz, Stefan
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Role of the scaffolding protein SLC9A3R1 in the vomeronasal organ - from protein interactions to the physiology of pheromone detection
Neuhaus, Eva Maria
Spehr, Marc
Completed projects
Real-time imaging of μ-opioid receptor signaling, phosphorylation and desensitization
(Project Head
Schulz, Stefan
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Confocal laser scanning microscope
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Functional investigation of odorant receptor-assiciated scaffolding protein complexes in olfactory neurons
(Project Head
Neuhaus, Eva Maria
Additional Information
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