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Universität Leipzig
Fakultät für Geschichte, Kunst- und Regionalwissenschaften
Historisches Seminar
Beethovenstraße 15
04107 Leipzig
This institution in GERiT
04107 Leipzig
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Die Pfarrei im späten Mittelalter
Bünz, Enno
Ecclesiastical and Emerging Power Structures of the Nobility in the European Middle Ages
Bünz, Enno
Gesellschaftliche Gruppen im späten Byzanz
Matschke, Klaus-Peter
Research Grants
Current projects
Belgrade and Zemun as a historical mobility space between two empires, 1739-1878
Riedler, Florian
Stefanov, Nenad
Fashion as Transformation. The Example of Leipzig (1980 to 2000)
van Laak, Dirk
Langbein, Ulrike
Privatizing Britain and Germany in Unifying Europe, 1979-1999
van Laak, Dirk
Completed projects
A study concerning the Prussian Secretary of Finance and representative of the conservative resistance movement in the Third Reich, Johannes Popitz (1884-1945)
van Laak, Dirk
Die sakrale Dimension des byzantinischen Kaisertums in der Epoche der letzten Palailogen (1354 - 1453)
Matschke, Klaus-Peter
Edition des Zwickauer Urkundenbuches (1118-1485)
Bünz, Enno
Refugees and Western Intelligence in Germany, 1945-1969
van Laak, Dirk
What happened when police forces in Latin America learned to write?
Riekenberg, Michael
What was the significance of political violence in 19th-Century Latin America?
Riekenberg, Michael
Scientific Networks
Current projects
Inheritance patterns and property transfers since 1800
Dinkel, Jürgen
Completed projects
Materielle Kultur und Konsum im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit. Objekte - Zirkulationen - Aneignungen
Schmidt-Funke, Julia Annette
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Rohdewald, Stefan
Leipzig, city in a state of flux - Urban-fluvial symbiosis in a long-term perspective
Hardt, Matthias
Schmidt, Johannes
Schmidt-Funke, Julia Annette
SPP 1981: Transottomanica: Osteuropäisch-osmanisch-persische Mobilitätsdynamiken
Rohdewald, Stefan
Completed projects
"Next Year in Jerusalem”: Jewish Identity Concepts and Zionism Debates in the Transottoman Migration Society of Palestine between 1880 and 1925.
Rohdewald, Stefan
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Demography, Disease, Mobility
(Project Heads
Fuchs, Katharina
Krause-Kyora, Ben
Laabs, Julian
Müller, Johannes
Nebel, Almut
Interaction, Communication, Networks
(Project Heads
Laabs, Julian
Nakoinz, Oliver
Stoddart, Simon
Completed projects
Regionale Identifikationsprozesse des Wirtschafts- und Bildungsbürgertums. Das Beispiel der Raumkonstruktion in Sachsen und Mitteldeutschland vom ersten Weltkrieg bis Mitte der 1930er Jahre
(Project Head
Zwahr, Hartmut
Sachsen und die Rheinprovinz zwischen Frankreich und England. Der Einfluß von Auslandserfahrung und Auslandsbildern auf regionenbezogene Identifikationsprozesse (Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts bis 1871) - ein interregionaler Vergleich
(Project Heads
von Hehl, Ulrich
Heydemann, Günther
Middell, Matthias
The “Iron Curtain” between Static Spaces and Fluid Networks. Exclusion and (Re)Connection, 1960–2010
(Project Head
van Laak, Dirk
Completed projects
A Certain Sense for (Road) Safety
(Project Head
van Laak, Dirk
Confessional Minorities as a Security Problem in the Early Modern Era
(Project Heads
Bömelburg, Hans-Jürgen
Kampmann, Christoph
Niggemann, Ulrich
Rohdewald, Stefan
Weiand, Kerstin
International Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2899: Belongings: Jewish Material Culture in Twentieth-Century Europe and Beyond
Weiss, Yfaat
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 891: Transnational Media Events from Early Modern Times to the Present
Bösch, Frank
van Laak, Dirk
Additional Information
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